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Dual Scan
Fig. Q
The sustain period of sub-field drive system. Therefore
brightness peak is limited. Because 480 horizontal lines
scanning is carried out during address period.
Dual scan system can reduce scanning time from 480 to 240
in the address period.
Then spaced time by dual scanning can be used for sustain
As the result Brightness peak level can be increased.
Plasma AI (Adaptive brightness Intensi-
Fig. R
Plasma AI control sub-field drive operation which is called
Multi-Split Sub-Field drive control system is used.
Depend on the picture contents (APL: Average Picture
Level) number of sub-field are changed from 10 to 12. (Vari-
able Sub-field)
Sustain time format of each sub-field are also rearranged
from binary format to linear cording sustain time. (Linear cod-
ing sub-field)
Plasma AI select the best display condition for Plasma dis-
play panel to display natural and crisp picture.
Multi Split Sub-Field Drive System
1. Linear coding Sub-Field
2. Variable Sub-Field
•Increase Peak Brightness in Dark scenes
•Reduce Motion Picture Disturbance
•Keep Reasonable Power Consumption