Please thoroughly read this instruction
before using the
1. General
This current relay is designed to detect current in AC circuits
with a wide range of
detection of abnoraai
current of
due to overloads or broken
c i r c u i t s
heater circuits), detection of starting current to
autoaaticaiiy advance the secondary resistance on induction wound
rotor motor controllers.
During starting, excessive current such as inrush current,
exceed rated current flow in motor
transforaer circuits.
t h i s
current relay has an adjustable delay circuit to prevent it
operating during start-up.
F u r t h e r , t h i s c u r r e n t
i s f a i l s a f e . T h e r e l a y
at the
control Dower is applied. and the relay is
energized when the
exceeds the
level or control
Dower is removed.
2. Check Before Using
this relay. check the following Doints. If any
defects are found, contact the dealer
which you purchased this
2.1 External
Check the relay for any missing Darts and for damage, dirt,
rust, and loosened
caused during transportation.