The California Air Resources Board and MTD Consumer Group Inc are pleased to ex plain the ev aporativ e emi ssio n co ntrol system wa rran ty on your 20 07 lawn
mowe r. In Califo rnia , new lawn mower must be designed , buil t and equi p ped to meet the State ’s st ringen t an ti-smo g st andards. MT D Consumer Grou p In c must
warr ant the EE CS on your la wn mower for the period of time listed below pr ov ided ther e has been no abuse, ne glec t or im proper m aintenance of your la wn mowe r.
Yo ur EE CS ma y in clud e pa rt s su ch as th e ca rb uretor , fuel -injection system, th e ig nition system, cataly ti c co nver te r, fuel tank s , fuel lines, fuel caps , valves,
canist er s, filter s, vapor hoses, clamps , connec to rs , and ot her associated emission-related components .
Wher e a wa rran tabl e co ndition ex ists, MTD Consumer Group Inc will repair y our lawn mower at no cost to yo u incl udin g di agnosis, pa rt s an d labo r.
This ev aporativ e emis sion control system is warr anted for tw o year s. If any evaporativ e emis sion-related pa rt on your equi pmen t is de fe ctiv e, th e pa rt will be
repaired or replaced by MTD Consumer Group Inc.
As the la wn mower owne r, you are re sponsibl e for pe rf ormance of the required maintenance listed in your owne r’ s manual. MTD Co nsumer Group Inc recom-
mends that yo u re tain all re ceipts co ve ring maintena nc e on your lawn mowe r, but MTD Consumer Grou p In c cann ot deny warran ty so l ely for the lack of receipts .
As the la wn mower owne r, you shou ld however be aware th at MTD Consumer Group In c may de ny yo u warran ty co ve rage if yo ur lawn mo wer or a pa rt has failed
du e to abuse, ne glect, or im proper maintenance or unapprov ed modifications.
Yo u are re sponsibl e for presen ting your lawn mower to MTD Consumer Grou p In c’ s distribution cent er or se rv ic e cent er as soon as th e pr oble m exis ts . The
warr an ty re pairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time , not to ex ceed 30 da ys. If you have a quest ion regarding yo ur warran ty co ve rage , you shou ld
contac t th e MTD Consumer Grou p In c Se rv ic e De pa rt ment at 1- 80 0- 80 0- 73 10 .
MTD Consumer Group Inc warr ants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the la wn mower is : Desi gned , buil t and equi p ped so as to
conf orm with all applicable regulation s; and free from de fe ct s in mate rial s and wo rkmanshi p th at ca use the failure of a warr an t ed pa rt to be identica l in all mate rial
respec ts to th at pa rt as described in MTD Consumer Grou p In c ’ s ap plication for ce rt ification.
The warr an ty pe riod be gins on th e da te th e lawn mower is deli ve red to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into se rv ic e. The w arrant y pe riod is tw o year s.
Subject to ce rt ain conditions and ex clusions as st ated belo w, th e warran ty on emis sion-related pa rt s is as follow s:
1. An y warranted pa rt th at is not sc heduled for replacement as required maintenance in the writ ten inst ructions su pplied , is wa rranted for the warran ty pe riod
stated ab ove. If the pa rt fails during th e pe riod of warran ty co ve rage , th e pa rt will be re paired or replaced by MTD Consumer G roup Inc according to subsection
(4 ) belo w. Any su ch pa rt re paired or replaced under warran ty will be warranted for th e remain de r of th e pe riod .
2. An y warranted pa rt th at is sc heduled only for regular inspection in the writ ten inst ructions su pplied is warranted for th e w arrant y pe riod st ated ab ove. An y su ch
pa rt re paired or replaced under warran ty will be warranted for th e remaining warran ty pe riod .
3. An y warranted pa rt th at is sc heduled for replacement as required maintenance in the writ ten inst ructions su pplied is warran t ed for the period of time before the
first scheduled replacement date for that pa rt . If th e pa rt fails before th e fi rs t schedule d re placement, the pa rt will be re pa ired or replaced by MTD Consumer
Group Inc ac cordin g to su bsection (4 ) belo w. Any su ch pa rt re paired or replaced under warran ty will be warranted for th e remain de r of th e pe riod pr ior to the
first scheduled replacement point for the pa rt .
4. Repair or replacement of an y warranted pa rt un de r th e warran ty provisions herein must be pe rf ormed at a warran ty st at ion at no charge to the owne r.
5. No tw ithstanding the pr ov isions herein, warr an ty se rv ices or re pairs will be pr ov ided at all of our distribution cent er s th at are fran chised to se rv ic e th e su bject
engines or equipment.
6. The la wn mower owner will not be charged for diagnostic labor that is directly associated with diagnosis of a defectiv e, em i ssion-rela ted warranted pa rt ,
provided that such diagnostic work is pe rf ormed at a warran ty st at ion.
7. MTD Consumer Group Inc is liable for damages to other engine or equipment components pr ox imately caused by a fa ilure under w arrant y of any warranted
pa rt .
8. Throughout the la wn mower warran ty pe riod st ated ab ove, MTD Consumer Group Inc will maintain a supply of warr anted pa rt s su f ficient to meet the ex pected
demand for su ch pa rt s.
9. An y re placement pa rt may be used in th e pe rf ormance of any warran ty maintena nc e or re pairs and must be pr ov ided wi thou t ch ar ge to th e owne r. Su ch use will
not reduce the warran ty obliga tion s of MTD Consumer Grou p In c.
10 . Ad d-on or mo dified pa rt s th at are not exempted by th e Air Resour ce s Boar d may not be used. The use of any no n- ex empted ad d- on or modified pa rt s by th e
ultimate purchaser will be grounds for disallowing a warran ty claims . MTD Consumer Grou p In c will not be liable to warrant fail ures of warranted pa rt s ca used
by th e use of a no n- ex empted ad d-on or mo dified pa rt .
The repair or replacement of an y warranted pa rt ot he rw ise eligible for warr an ty co ve rage ma y be ex cluded from su ch warran ty co v erage if MTD Consumer Group
Inc demonstrates that the lawn mower has been abused, neglec ted, or impr operly main tained , and th at su ch abuse, ne glect, or im p roper maintenance was the
direct ca use of the need for repair or replacement of the pa rt . That no tw ithstanding, an y ad justment of a component that has a fa ct or y inst alled, and properly
oper at ing, adjustment limiting de vice is still eligible for warr an ty co ve rage . The fo llowing emission warran ty pa rt s list are c over ed : F uel Line , F uel Line Clamps
Содержание 14AQ81RP748
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