1N00-610 Genesis Super Truck v1.0 03/04
The battery must not be disconnected by pulling on the cable. This will
damage the cable and result in erratic and unreliable operation.
Remove the battery from the chassis and place on charge.
2.27 The Trailers
The trailer chassis are moulded from polypropylene. It is very tough and is
largely unaffected by temperature fluctuations. The bodies are produced from
UV stabilised PVC. Regular
application of a quality proprietary
polish will reduce the harmful
effects of sunlight. The trailers
should be thoroughly cleaned as
soon as they are removed from
the playing area and before any
soiling is allowed to dry. Never
use any abrasive cleaner on the
There is a trailer supplied for
every Model. Although the trailers
my have different bodies they all
have the same chassis. Any trailer may be hitched to any model. To assist in
the hitching and unhitching operation the rear wheel on the trailer have brakes
fitted. These are operated by a metal pin on the underside of the hitch
moulding. When the model reverses under the trailer the brake pin is pushed
up into the trailer applying the brakes to hold the trailer in position, as the
model pushes against it. When the hitching process is complete the brake pin
drop’s into a recess in the hitch ramp, securing the trailer to the model and
releasing the brakes.
During the unhitch operation the reverse happens. On operation of the
unhitching solenoid the brake pin is pushed up into the trailer, applying the
brakes and releasing the trailer from the model. As the model drives away
from the trailer the brakes continue to be applied as the trailer hitch
disengages from the model. When the unhitch process is complete the trailer
brakes are released.
©Tornado International Ltd. 2004