ExSELLerate™ Sales Training Guide | Marathon 350
Key Features
1. Removable Solution and Recovery Tank
Both tanks can easily be lifted out and quickly set back into
place. Refilling the solution bucket at the sink using the handy
water level indicators is convenient and saves valuable time.
The recovery tank doubles as a removable bucket that is easy
to carry and dump when full into any approved drain area.
2. Defoamer Solution Tank
As the vacuum draws the recovery solution into the recovery
tank, it draws the correct amount of defoamer solution into the
tank as needed.
This features avoids overuse of chemical defoamer and doesn’t
introduce unnecessary liquid into the recovery tank.
3. Enclosed Spotting and Floor Tool
Both the spotting and floor tools are semi-enclosed, keeping
the water better contained inside the vacuum shoe.
Keeping the water contained within the vacuum shoe allows
greater recovery and helps to decrease dry times in high traffic
areas because it helps reduces the amount of water left on the
surface being extracted.
4. Complete Kit
All tools come as standard with the Marathon 350 Spotter.
A vacuum hose, high-pressure spray hose, carpet cleaning
wand, floor tool and utility hand tool are neatly stored in the
separate accessories bag avoiding lost parts and keeps the
utility closet in order.