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Washroom Dispenser Service and Parts Manual 
Tork Xpress Hand Towel Interfold Dispenser 

Revision Date:  8-27-10 

Preventive Maintenance 

The dispenser should be cleaned any time there is heavy paper dust build-up inside the dispenser.  
If paper dust is not a problem, approximately every year is a good frequency for cleanings.  The 
following is the recommended procedure to cleaning: 
1) Open the dispenser and remove the remaining towels.   
2) Clean out any paper dust.  This can be done is several ways, such as, vacuuming, blowing out 
with a can of compressed air (wear safety glasses), wiping out with a damp cloth, etc. 
3) Clean the cover with a general all-purpose cleaner that is safe for plastics. 



Problem:  Any paper-related problem. 

Take note of the date code on the outside of the case of paper product.  Then contact the SCA 
Tissue Quality Coordinator and explain the problem. 

Problem:  Any other problem not stated above. 


Contact the SCA Tissue Quality Coordinator. 


Contacting SCA 

Product Code Date Location: For 303080A, 301080A, & 
301082A look for circles (like shown on the right) molded into 
unit on the back of the dispenser. On the 451000, the circles 
should be on the inside back wall.  The circle on the right shows 
an arrow pointing to the month, with the year in the center of 
circle. The left circle shows the day of month. Some dispensers 
may not have the day circle, but should have the month and year 

To contact the SCA Tissue 
Quality Coordinator, dial 1-
866-722-6659 and press 6.  If 
asked for the date code on the 
dispenser, see instructions 






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