Shenzhen TOPFLYtech Co., Limited. All Rights Reserved 2
Thanks for your purchasing of the high-quality GPS tracker from TOPFLYtech. Please read this user
manual carefully before installation and operation. Information in this manual is the property of
TOPFLYtech. Changes to the specifications and features in this manual may be made by
TOPFLYtech without prior notice. No part of this manual could be reproduced, copied, translated,
transmitted, or published in any form or by any means without TOPFLYtech's prior written
The tracker is using GNSS & LTE technologies and could collect device coordinates then transfer
them via LTE network to the server. It provides customer with cost-effective, efficient and safety
management. It has been widely used in commercial transportation, company vehicle fleet
management, intelligent transportation, logistics, car rental, engineering machinery, marine
transportation, animal/pet tracking and other segments.