Unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis, articular cartilage defect repair, meniscal cartilage repair,
osteochondral defect repair, and degenerative joint disease.
Application Instructions:
This product is to be used under the supervision of a medical professional. This device is not intended for
unsupervised public use. If you experience any pain, swelling, sensation changes, or any unusual reactions
while using this product consult your medical professional immediately
RelOAd Knee Brace
Instructions For Use
With the straps released and the thigh portion open - slide the brace onto
the affected leg positioning the cutout over the knee cap.
Close the thigh cuff by overlapping the fabric to engage the hook and
loop. Make sure knee cap is centered in the opening. (Attached patellar
buttress on the inside of the knee cap opening can be rotated or removed
to improve fit and/or function).
Secure the lower calf strap followed by the thigh strap by affixing the
buckle assembly and adjusting the tension of the strap. (Buckles release
by depressing the “wings” on both side of the device at the same time).
The calf strap should be secured with the leg in full extension and the single
upright metal strut pulled towards the back of the thigh and calf. Strap
should be secured as close to the upper calf as possible to prevent
migration of the brace.
Strap Adjustment:
You can adjust the length of the straps if they are too
long by removing the “Y” tab adapter at the end of the strap, cutting the
strap to length and re-affix the “Y” tab piece (Inset image).
Adjust the telescoping dial hinge while standing by rotating it clockwise to
the desired level of “pressure” to aid in the unloading of the opposite side
of your affected knee joint. There are 4 separate positions to this component
that provide up to an additional 6mm of unloading of your knee joint before
it resets to zero (0).
NOTE: If telescoping hinge is not touching your knee in full extension, adjust
metal upright more posterior on the thigh and calf. Shaping the upright to
match the contour of the thigh may be required for those with more than 15
degrees of varus or valgus of the knee.
Top Shelf Orthopedics guarantees this product to be free of defects in material and construction for a period
of six months on the associated soft goods and straps, and six months on the brace frame from the date
of purchase.
Federal Law (U.S.A.) restricts this device for sale by or on the order of a licensed health care professional.
Straps and pads may be trimmed to accommodate variations in leg size. Following activity in fresh or salt water,
rinse brace thoroughly in clean water and air dry. Routinely check the hinge screws for tightness and retighten
as needed. Lubricate hinges periodically with a dry lubricant or Teflon™ spray. Do not use petroleum based
lubricants. Hand wash liners and condyle pads in cold water with a mild detergent. Air Dry, do not heat dry
liners or pads.
Latex free.
Use and Care:
While every effort has been made in state-of-the-art techniques to obtain the maximum compatibility of function,
strength, durability and comfort, this device is only one element in the overall treatment program administered
by a medical professional. There is no guarantee that injury will be prevented through the use of this product.
Please read these instructions completely and carefully before
applying this product. Correct application is important
for proper function of this brace.
Tele-scoping Hinge Dial Rotation