1. Front Panel Controls
1. Front Panel Controls
1. Front Panel Controls
1. Front Panel Controls
(note: the illustration above shows the faceplate of the Majesty combo. The faceplate of
the head version is a mirror image of the one shown above)
Instrument Input
Instrument Input
Instrument Input
Instrument Input
The guitar is to be plugged into the instrument input
Volume & Tone Controls (Treble, Mid, Bass)
Volume & Tone Controls (Treble, Mid, Bass)
Volume & Tone Controls (Treble, Mid, Bass)
Volume & Tone Controls (Treble, Mid, Bass)
These controls should be familiar, as they operate in the same way as most other guitar
amplifiers. The Treble knob adjusts the level of high frequencies. The Bass control
adjusts the level of low frequencies, and the Midrange control adjusts the level of
midrange frequencies.
The Majesty is a non-master-volume design, which means that overdrive and distortion
are generated by both the preamp and power amp in certain predetermined proportions.
This makes it relatively easy to dial in the amount of overdrive and distortion you want
– it’s all under control of the single Volume knob.
The Presence knob adjusts the level of very high frequencies (those above the range of
the Treble control), and does it in a way that is slightly different than the Treble control.
As you turn the Presence knob up, the level of those very high frequencies is increased,
as you would expect. But, the presence control has an effect on the “feel” of the amp as
well. At higher settings, the amp is punchier and more “raw” sounding, while at lower
settings is less “spiky”, with a more “compressed” feel.
It’s a good idea to get used to the specific effect of the Presence control, as it can really
help to dial in your sound for a particular room or setting. I generally set the presence
control higher in larger rooms, but keep it rather low at home.
Effects Loop Bypass
Effects Loop Bypass
Effects Loop Bypass
Effects Loop Bypass
This switch allows you to bypass the effects loop. It’s always a good idea to use the
“bypass” position when you are not using the loop. If you have this switch set to
“enable”, then the signal will be passing through the effects loop circuitry in the amp,
even if nothing is plugged into the Send and Receive jacks. In the “bypass” position,
you are guaranteed that none of the effects loop circuitry touches the signal path.