PocketPC. Browse to the directory
\My Documents\Germany
or to
\Storage Card\Germany
if the map was installed on a storage card. (Usually, the Explore option will start in "My Documents"
anyway, so you will immediately see the "Germany" directory.) Copy the file Hilton_Hotels.OV2 (and
optionally the file Hilton_Hotels.BMP) to this directory.
Next, on your PocketPC, re−open the Germany map in TomTom Navigator. If necessary, re−start the
whole TomTom Navigator application (using the TomTom Navigator menu option "Exit").
Finally, in the POI tab of your TomTom Navigator Preferences, make sure "Hilton Hotels" has a
checkmark − otherwise the hotels will not be displayed on your screen. Even if you do not display them on
your screen, you can now "navigate to" a Hilton Hotel, find the Hilton Hotels near your location etc. If you
experience problems, here are some possibilities: the OV2 file is not in the same directory as the map the
OV2 file does not contain any POI, or at least no POI within the borders of the map you are using a
TomTom Navigator version older than version 1.40
2.2. How to make POI databases
POI databases can be created in two ways: Manually, from within TomTom Navigator, by using the
"add as Point of Interest" options (e.g. in the map view, tap & hold your pen on a particular place on the
map). On a PC, by converting whole databases into TomTom Navigator Format (see below)
2.3. Converting to Navigator format
Palmtop provides a set of simple tools to generate POI databases. They are provided with the SDK in
the directory sdk\poi\.
The first tool, MAKEOV2, can be used to convert a simple text file containing the coordinates and
names of locations into a ready−to−use OV2 file. The second tool, DUMPOV2, can dump the content of
POI databases into text format (yes, text that can be used by the MAKEOV2 tool).
The use of DUMPOV2.EXE is simple and straightforward:
DUMPOV2 inputfilename [outputfilename]
Where "inputfilename" must be a valid TomTom Navigator POI file (with extension OV2) or a valid
Route Planner or Citymaps OVERLAY file (with extension OVR). It is recommended to provide an
outputfilename with extension ASC. The use of MAKEOV2.EXE is different:
MAKEOV2 inputfilename [outputfilename]
The input file should be a text file (extension ASC is recommended) that should simply contain lines of
text. Any line starting with a semi−colon will be ignored. Empty lines will also be ignored. All other lines
are expected to represent points of interest. Such a line should specify a longitude, a latitude and a name,
seperated by commas. It is recommended that the name is put between double quotes. A name should not
contain double quotes. Longitudes and latitudes may be specified either as degrees and fractions of degrees,
or in degrees, minutes and seconds. Both colons and single−quote/double−quote notation may be used for
minutes and seconds. So, all the following lines are all equivalent:
53.5 , 4 , "Truckers Restaurant La Bamba"
53.5000000 , 4.00000000 , "Truckers Restaurant La Bamba"
53’30"00 , 4’00"00 , "Truckers Restaurant La Bamba"
53’30 , 4’0 , "Truckers Restaurant La Bamba"
2. Providing your own Points of Interest to TomTom Navigator