Avoid part of route
Tap this button to avoid a part of the route. Use this button if you see that
your route includes a road or junction you don’t like, or which is well-known
for traffic problems.
You then choose the road you want to avoid from a list of the roads on your
Tap this button to recalculate the route using your existing route settings
and HD Traffic.
Travel via...
Travel via... lets you add up to four extra stops on your planned route.
Travel via...
Tap this button to add or change stops.
When have not yet entered a stop, the
Travel via...
menu opens.
When you have already entered a stop, the list of stops is shown. Tap
to open the
Travel via...
Choose the stop in the same way as you choose a destination. This means
you can select from all the same options that are offered when you choose
a destination, for example
Point of Interest
on map
When you have added a stop it is shown in the Travel Via list.
If you want to change a stop tap it to open the information screen, which
shows the following options:
Move up
Tap this button to move the stop up in the list.
Move down
Tap this button to move the stop down in the list.
Switch on / Switch
off notification
Switch on notification to get a voice message saying you are near the stop.
Tap this button to delete the stop.
When you have added Travel Via stops, tap the
button at the top of
the Travel via screen. TomTom Nav App calculates a new route to your
destination that passes through the stops you chose. A flag appears in the
Driving View at each of your Travel via stops. Unlike at your final destina-
tion, TomTom Nav App only gives a sound alert when you reach a Travel
via stop.
. TomTom Nav App calculates a new route to your destination that passes the stops you
chose. Tap
to start driving. A flag appears in the Driving View at each of your Travel Via stops and
you get a voice message saying that you are near the stop.