10.6 Removable Wheels.
Service Instructions.
Service annually or when problems occur. Wheels protected from grit and grime
require little or no maintenance.
After removing the wheels
• Use a 2mm Allen key to unscrew the grub screw 4 turns
(slightly depress the release button).
• Slowly release the button to eject it from the axle bore.
Remove the spring and lock balls.
• If the button won't eject, further unscrew the grub screw
until it does. Clean the lock balls (6) and replace any showing
signs of corrosion.
• Clean all surfaces of the button and axle including the button
bore, then renew the button "O" ring. Lubricate all parts and
surfaces with petroleum jelly.
• Refit the spring and button and apply a small amount of
thread locker to the grub screw thread. (If servicing with a
kit, replace the grub screw without applying thread-locker as
kit grub screws have pre-applied thread-locker). Now screw in
the grub screw the exact number of turns it was unscrewed
and clean away any excess thread-locker.
• Thoroughly clean the bore of the hub and with an old
toothbrush, clean the hub drive face and drive pins. Inspect
the internal surfaces of the hub bore for mechanical damage
and replace both "O" rings.
• Attempt to refit the hub to the axle. It must slide on
smoothly all the way until the outer hub face is flush with the
axle face. If it jams partway DO NOT FORCE! Remove the
wheel and screw in the grub screw a further turn and try again.
• Lubricate all hub and axle surfaces with petroleum jelly,
particularly the ball drillings.
• Replace the balls in the drillings and operate the button
several times, ensuring that all balls extend and retract freely.
• Fit the wheel and check the operation of the release button.
When the wheel is Assembled properly, the wheel should slide
on smoothly and all faces of the hub, axle and release button
will be flush with one another
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