8.3.6. Feedback suppressor (FBs) setting
Acoustic feedback can be automatically suppressed.
step 1. In setting mode, select the setting item "FBS" with the Up or Down key.
step 2. Press the Set key, and the LCD screen displays the current setting.
step 3. Select "ON" or "OFF" with the Up or Down key.
When leaving the setting unchanged, select "EXIT" with Up or Down key and press the Set
key. Then, the display returns to the "FBS" indication.
step 4. Press the Set key to register the setting.
This terminates the FBS setting, and the display returns to the "FBS" indication.
step 5. When any other setting is not needed, select "EXIT" with the Up or Down key and press the
Set key.
The unit returns to the normal operating state.
When another setting is needed, select the necessary setting item with the Up or Down key
and press the Set key.
The FBS indication is displayed on the LCD screen when the FBS function is enabled.
8.3.7. antenna attenuator (aNT aTTeN) setting
This setting reduces radio interference by attenuating the signal to the antenna input terminal by
10 dB.
step 1. In setting mode, select the setting item "ANT ATTEN" with the Up or Down key.
step 2. Press the Set key, and the LCD screen displays the "ANT A" indication.
step 3. Select "ANT A" or "ANT B" with the Up or Down key.
When leaving the original ANT ATTEN setting unchanged, select "EXIT" with Up or Down
key and press the Set key. Then, the display returns to the "ANT ATTEN" indication.
step 4. Press the Set key.
step 5. Select "0 dB" or "–10 dB" with the Up or Down key.
step 6. Press the Set key to resister the setting.
step 7. Repeat steps 3 – 6 to perform the setting for another antenna input.
step 8. When any other setting is not needed, select "EXIT" with the Up or Down key and press the
Set key.
The unit returns to the normal operating state.
When another setting is needed, select the necessary setting item with the Up or Down key
and press the Set key.