Digital mixer D-901
00H-03H: Line Numbers 1 – 4
00H: OFF
01H: ON
Example of setting Input Slot 1’s Line 3 to ON
88H, 03H, 00H, 02H, 01H
Bus assignment
Set the bus assignment to ON or OFF.
The D-901 transmits changed value data after receiving this command.
94H, 05H, <Source Channel Attribute>, <Source Channel Number>, <Destination Channel Attribute>,
<Destination Channel Number>, <ON/OFF>
<Source Channel Attribute>
00H: Input channel
02H: Mic bus channel
<Source Channel Number>
When Source Channel Attribute=00H: 00H - 0BH (Input channel 1 - 12)
When Source Channel Attribute=02H: 00H (Mic Bus channel)
<Destination Channel Attribute>
01H: Output channel
02H: Mic bus channel
<Destination Channel Number>
When Destination Channel Attribute=01H: 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8)
When Destination Channel Attribute=02H: 00H (Mic Bus channel)
00H: <Source channel> to <Destination channel> assign OFF
01H: <Source channel> to <Destination channel> assign ON
Example of setting the bus assignment from Input Channel 1 to Output Channel 1 to ON:
94H, 05H, 00H, 00H, 01H, 00H, 01H
Crosspoint gain
Set the crosspoint gains by position.
The D-901 transmits changed value data after receiving this command.
95H, 05H, <Source Channel Attribute>, <Source Channel Number>, <Destination Channel Attribute>,
<Destination Channel Number>, <Value>
<Source Channel Attribute>
00H: Input channel
02H: Mic bus channel
TOA Corporation