This error message is displayed if the charge is interrupted by an open circuit to the
battery. It is not recommended to stop the Xtrema from charging by disconnecting the
battery. Use the abort procedure by hitting any key instead.
This error message is displayed if the Xtrema has been charging longer than the Max
Safety time setting of the Safety Timer. The default is set to 120 minutes but this can be
modified from 0 to 990 minutes.
This error message is displayed if the Xtrema's temperature probe has measured greater
than than the Max Temp Cutoff setting of the temp cutoff. The default is set to 104°F but
can be modified from 60°F to 130°F.
This error message is displayed if the Xtrema detects during the testing phase prior to
charging that the battery to be charged voltage is higher than the cell count multiplied by
the Volts per Cell setting in the SETUP MENU. Typically this may indicate that the cell
count programmed into the Xtrema is lower than the actual pack. A low volts per cell
setting will also cause the same fault.
This error message is displayed if the Xtrema detects during the testing phase prior to
charging that the battery to be charged voltage is lower the cell count multiplied by 3.0
volts per cell. (2.0 Volts per cell for m1 cells) Typically this may indicate that the cell count
programmed into the Xtrema is higher than the actual pack.
This error message is displayed if the Xtrema detects, during the testing phase prior to
charging, that the battery does not appear to be present or is connected backwards.
Check your wiring and battery connections other causes may be an open pack.
This error message is displayed if the Xtrema detects, during the testing phase prior to
charging, battery current going to the motor leads. Make sure your motor is
disconnected and restart the charger.
This error message is displayed if the charge is interrupted by hitting the joystick in any
direction while charging. This is the preferred method to stop a charge cycle.
This error message is displayed if the charge is interrupted by the input voltage (12 volt
battery or power supply) has either dropped below 10.5 volts or gone above 15 Volts.
The display will indicate the last read voltage to help you determine the problem.
Charg CC
This status message indicates that the charger has completed the initial testing phase
and has entered the constant current charging phase. It will continue to remain in this
state until the battery voltage has risen to the specified volts per cell setting in the setup
menu. This message makes no sound.
Charg CV
This status message indicates that the charger has completed the initial constant current
charging phase and has entered the constant voltage charging phase. It will continue to
remain in this state until the battery current drops below 1/10 of the initial constant
current charge rate. This message makes no sound.
This status message indicates that the charger has completed the complete charging
phase and has successfully charged your battery. It will continue to remain in this state
until the joystick button is pushed twice. The first push silences the unit and the second
push returns the charger to the selection menu.