TMC Radio 2007
page 49
TNM-U-E-0055 Issue 2.1a
6.7 L
This function allows the User to toggle the Transmit Power between the level assigned in the
Channel-Table and the “Low Power” setting.
The SRM9000 Transceiver has a “High Power” level and a “Low Power” level assigned to
each channel.
The first press of this button will assign the low power setting to the current transmit channel.
The 2
press will restore the transmit power setting to its FPP defined setting, either high or
The RF power level is indicated by the letter L of H replacing the antenna icon when
transmitting. The bar graph above this icon shows 1 bar for low power and 6 bars for high
This function is unaffected by channel change.
6.8 M
This function enters the Menu Mode ands select first main menu entry. This function is
normally assigned to the F1 key, labelled M.
6.9 M
This function is a short cut to the Mode menu. The Mode menu is used to change radio
modes, such as P25 conventional to MPT1327 Trunked.
Selections: Network 1-5. These networks may be PMR, MPT1327 Trunked, P25
Conventional or P25 Trunked.
Mode is supported in analogue and digital modes.
Once pressed, the radio screen will display the Network menu. The user can then use the
up/Down keys to select the network and then press OK. The screen will then return to the
channel screen of the new mode.
6.10 M
This function allows the radio Carrier-Mute level to be adjusted.
Supported in analogue mode only. (Only applies to analogue channels)
This function is a shortcut to Mute Adjust menu.
On an analogue Channel, the mute level can be adjusted between the FPP Minimum Mute
and maximum mute limits.
6.11 R
The reset function performs several tasks.
In order of priority, it:
Stops Alerts (if any Alerts are sounding)
Performs a Backspace (if there is a User entry pending)
Switches back to the Main Menu (if in a lower menu)
It is used during text entry modes such as Phonebook Edit and Text Messaging for