Free mode: All the microphone can turn on freely at same time
FIFO mode: first in, first out. Attendance Units (1-12 pieces) can be set to turn on and turn
off at the same time in turn.
Limit mode: Operator can limit the number of attendance Units (1-12 pieces) that can be
turned on at the same time.
Chairman mode (optional): There are two working mode of chairman Unit. Chairman Only
Mode: Delegate microphones are turned off and can not be turned on again after chairman
microphone press Priority button unless chairman unit turns off. Normal Mode: Delegate
microphone are turned off but can be turned on again after chairman microphone press
Priority button. (operation in computer)
Auto-off: It can be choosen whether microphone will turn off automatically within 30 or
60seconds after speech. (operation in computer)
Chairman indicative music: On or Off (operation in computer)
1.2 Operating diagram of main unit MC-300A
1. Power
2. Mode: Free mode, FIFO mode (1-12), Limit mode (1-12), main unit manage mode and
computer manage mode.
3. Speaking number key (NUMBER), (1-12 units)
5. LCD display
6. Volume control of wire microphone (Mic)
7. AUX volume (AUX)
8. Monitor volume
9. System volume (MASTER)
10. Unit Volume
11. AUX IN
12. System line out (LINE)
13. System REC out (REC)
14. Signal out ( OUTPUT)
15. Wire microphone input (MIC IN)