© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.
Important Safety Information
Read all safety information before
operating the equipment. SavE ThESE INSTRucTIONS.
This symbol indicates a hazardous situation, which, if not
not avoided could result in death or serious injury.
To reduce the risks of fire or explosion, electrical shock
and the injury to persons, read and understand all
instructions included in this manual. Be familiar with the
controls and proper usage of the equipment.
W cause property damage or severe njury.
• Do not use mater a s conta n ng b each or ch or ne.
• Do not use ha ogenated hydrocarbon so vents such as b each,
m dewc de, methy ene ch or de and 1,1,1 - tr ch oroethane. They
are not compat b e w th a um num.
• Contact your coat ng supp er about the compat b ty of mater a
w th a um num.
Can cause severe njury or property damage.
• Read a nstruct ons and safety precaut ons before operat ng any
equ pment.
• Fo ow a appropr ate oca , state, and nat ona codes govern ng
vent at on, fire prevent on, and operat on.
• The Un ted States Government Safety Standards have been
adopted under the Occupat ona Safety and Hea th Act (OSHA).
These standards, part cu ar y Part 1910 of the Genera Standards
and Part 1926 of the Construct on Standard shou d be consu ted.
• Use on y manufacturer author zed parts. User assumes a r sks
and ab t es when us ng parts that do not meet the m n mum
spec ficat ons and safety dev ces of the manufacturer.
• Before each use, check all hoses for cuts, leaks, abrasion or
bulging of cover. Check for damage or movement of couplings.
Immediately replace the hose if any of these conditions exist.
Never repair a hose. Replace it with an identical replacement hose.
• Do not spray outdoors on w ndy days.
• Wear c oth ng to keep pa nt off sk n and ha r.
• Never a m the spray gun at any part of the body.
So vent and pa nt fumes can exp ode or gn te. Property
damage and/or severe njury can occur.
• Exhaust and fresh a r ntroduct on must be prov ded
to keep the a r w th n the spray area free from
accumu at on of flammab e vapors.
• Turb ne conta ns spark ng parts. Turb ne must
be p aced n a we vent ated area at max mum
d stance from the spray area.
• Avo d a gn t on sources such as stat c e ectr c ty, open flames,
p ot ghts, hot objects, c garettes, and sparks from connect ng
and d sconnect ng power cords and work ng ght sw tches.
• Use extreme caut on when us ng mater a s w th a flashpo nt be ow
70° F (21°C). A flu d’s flashpo nt s the temperature at wh ch
vapors from the flu d cou d gn te f exposed to a flame or spark.
• F re ext ngu sh ng equ pment must be present and n work ng
• The power cord must be connected to a grounded c rcu t.
• Fo ow the mater a and so vent manufacturer’s safety precaut ons
and warn ngs.
Pa nts, so vents, nsect c des, and other mater a s can be
harmfu f nha ed or come n contact w th the body. Vapors
can cause severe nausea, fa nt ng, or po son ng.
• Use a resp rator or mask f vapors can be nha ed.
Read a nstruct ons supp ed w th the mask to be
sure t w prov de the necessary protect on.
• Wear protect ve eyewear.
• Wear protect ve c oth ng as requ red by coat ng
Heated parts can cause severe sk n burn njury.
• Qu ck d sconnect fitt ngs on the hose and spray gun
become hot dur ng use. Avo d sk n contact w th qu ck d sconnect
fitt ngs when they are hot. A ow qu ck d sconnect fitt ngs to coo
before d sconnect ng the spray gun from the hose.
Grounding Instructions
Th s product must be grounded. In the event of an e ectr ca short c rcu t,
ground ng reduces the r sk of e ectr c shock by prov d ng an escape
w re for the e ectr c current. Th s product s equ pped w th a cord hav ng
a ground ng w re w th an appropr ate ground ng p ug. The p ug must
be p ugged nto an out et that s proper y nsta ed and grounded n
accordance w th a oca codes and ord nances.
waRNING - Improper installation of the grounding plug can result in
a risk of electric shock.
If repa r or rep acement of the cord or p ug s necessary, do not connect
the green ground ng w re to e ther flat b ade term na . The w re w th
nsu at on hav ng a green outer surface w th or w thout ye ow str pes s
the ground ng w re and must be connected to the ground ng p n.
Check w th a qua fied e ectr c an or serv ceman f the ground ng
nstruct ons are not comp ete y understood, or f you are n doubt as
to whether the product s proper y grounded. Do not mod fy the p ug
prov ded. If the p ug w not fit the out et, have the proper out et nsta ed
by a qua fied e ectr c an.
Grounded Outlet
Grounding Pin
Cover for grounded outlet box
IMPORTaNT: use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade
grounding plug and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on
the product. Make sure the extension cord is in good condition.
when using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough
to carry the current the product will draw. an undersized cord
will cause a drop in line voltage resulting in loss of power and
overheating. a 12 gauge cord is recommended. If an extension cord
is to be used outdoors, it must be marked with the suffix w-a after
the cord type designation. For example, a designation of SjTw-a
would indicate that the cord would be appropriate for outdoor use.
NOTE: More than 100 feet of extension cord is not
recommended. use more paint hose, not more
extension cord. Shorter extension cords will assure
maximum electrical power for proper operation.
Shou d your spray system need serv ce dur ng the warranty per od,
return your un t and the proof of purchase to the d str butor where t was
purchased. At our opt on, the un t w be repa red or rep aced. In a
cont nued comm tment to mprove qua ty, we reserve the r ght to make
component or des gn changes when necessary.