Titan Enterprises Ltd ©2021
4.3. User Settings Tab
4.3.1. Calibration Settings
A drop down menu offers the choice of - Litres, ml,
gms, kg, US gallon, Imperial gallon or Custom units i.e.
Note that the Custom Units setting will be equivalent to Litres
if no modifications are made to scale factor.
Rate (units per):
This is the time base for the flow rate and
has the option of Second, Minute or Hour.
Scale Factor Adjustment
: This allows the user to adjust or
tune the calibration flow value if required.
The flowmeter is fundamentally a volumetric device,
but a density figure can be entered here if one of the mass
units is selected. Caution must be used however, as there is
no temperature/density correction.
Cut Off:
Flow values below this level will be set to zero.