Mobile App for Height Adjustable Desks
Version 1 2018
11. Disposal Guidance
TiMOTION’s control boxes and wireless dongles may be disposed of by dividing the components into
different waste groups for recycling or combustion. We recommend that the control box or wireless dongle
be disassembled as much as possible before disposal. The main groups to sort for waste are: plastic, cable
scrap, combustible material and collection for recoverable resources.
The chart below shows the recycling groups in which the different components of the TC and TWD1 series
should be placed into:
Recycling group
Control box
Plastic housing
Plastic recycling or combustion
Cable scrap or combustion
Electronics scrap
Wireless dongle
Plastic housing
PCB boards
Plastic recycling or combustion
Electronics scrap
The purpose of the application policy is to define areas of responsibilities in relation to applying a
TiMOTION product defined as hardware, software, technical advice, etc. related to an existing or new
customer application.
TiMOTION products as defined above are applicable for a wide range of applications within the Medical,
Furniture, Ergonomic and Industrial areas. Yet, TiMOTION cannot know all the conditions under which our
products will be installed, used, and operated, as each individual application is unique.
The suitability and functionality of the TiMOTION product and its performance under varying conditions
(application, vibration, load, humidity, temperature, frequency, etc.) can only be verified by testing, and shall
ultimately be the responsibility of the TiMOTION customer using any TiMOTION product.
TiMOTION shall be responsible solely for the compliance of our products according to the specifications set
out by TiMOTION. It shall be the responsibility of the TiMOTION customer to ensure that the specific
TiMOTION product can be used for the application in question.
TiMOTION Application Policy