Installation of DFF3D Multibeam Sounder
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DFF-3D Monitor
Click on the DFF3D
Monitor in the “Multibeam
sounder” option:
The DFF-3D monitor allows you to troubleshoot issues
with the DFF-3D and make sure that TIMEZERO receives
the proper data from it. After configuring the DFF-3D
and TIMEZERO, it is recommended to look at the DFF-3D
Make sure that all data is received properly.
It is also recommended to check "Display
DFF3D Swath on Chart" temporary while at the
dock to make sure that offset has been
configured properly. Selecting this option will
display a green line showing the DFF3D swath.
: In order for the boat icon to scale properly, make sure to enter the Boat Length, Boat Width, and GPS
location from the Initial Setup Options. Note that the coordinate system used by TIMEZERO is different than the
one used to enter the DFF3D offset in the Transducer Setup.
When the boat is moving, you should see the green line
(displaying the current swath) and trail of red lines
showing the previous 50 swaths. When the boat is
running a straight line on a calm day (no pitch) at a
constant speed, the red line should almost be equally
spaced like the picture below:
Note that it is normal to have the green line "lagging"
behind the boat (due to sensor lag and processing time
of DFF3D).
When making a turn, the red line should look like this:
If the red lines are not evenly spaced, this might indicate
that heading refresh rate is below 10Hz.