Voice & Instant Messaging
Your child can communicate with the parent or assigned guardians from the watch through the
mobile app.
From the main menu (p. 1), tap the green “message bubble” icon. The watch will display a message
list (with the message bubble icon at top) that the child can respond to. Tap the contact list icon for
the parent and guardian(s) to send a message. Tap the message thread or contact name to begin.
The screen provides 3 options: Voice Message, Selected/Typed Messages, or Phone Call.
Tap the “mic” icon to send a voice message. While the blue streak is circling, tap the center “mic” to
record a
message up to 15 seconds, and tap the red “mic” again to finish the recording and send the
message. The message history captures that audio message.
Tap the “message bubble” icon. Tap the “keypad” to type messages with letters, numbers, and/or
(3 pages of) emojis. Or, swipe to a preset message and tap it to select.