MacFinish 2HS 500 manual
Photo: 100 lines after time indicating line (green)
If you would like to see again all the parts you deleted (for instance to check), then mark the 'Show
hidden' check box.
If you want to undo your delete actions, click on the 'Undel All' button.
4.5 Export
You can export your pictures to another destination. The export tab contains three parts: Export
Settings, Ticket and Remote Control. If you want to export your picture to an external screen, mark
the 'Enable' check box.
To export, click on the 'Export' button and select the desired destination.
To print your picture, click on the 'Print' button.
4.5.1 Export Settings
In this part you can select what part of your picture you would like to export.
4.5.2 Ticket
In this part, you can define to what port you would like to export.
4.5.3 Remote Control
--- Under construction ---
4.6 Results
The 'Results' tab contains 1 part: Race settings.
If you click on this part you set the race information like the type of race and the distance
The results of the race will be displayed underneath the 'Export' and 'Partants' button.
The table contains 9 columns. You can define your own columns, which will be explained later in the
Advanced User Settings chapter.
All results will be filled in automatically, but you can also add results by hand. Move your mouse on
the picture to the front side of the competitor's front wheel and click. A red line with a small box will
appear displaying his time, you just have to fill in the ID number of the competitor.
As we mentioned above, the results table contains 9 columns. Some columns are used for different
sports, which means that you possibly don't need some of them.