Installation & Operation Manual
inexpensive GPS based NTP server that works well with the clock products.
4.3.2 Time Zone
Selecting the Time Zone sets the offset the clock will display from Greenwich Mean Time. All fields have a predetermined
offset except for CUSTOM.
4.3.3 Custom Time Zone
If CUSTOM is selected for the Time Zone then this field is editable. Set the desired custom offset by using the drop down
menus to select hours, minutes and (+/-).
4.3.4 SNTP Resync Period
The SNTP Resync Period entry sets the period between SNTP requests. Enter the number of hours and minutes
separated by a colon (Hours:Min). The default setting is 0 hours and 10 minutes and is the recommended update interval.
4.3.5 Twelve Hour Time
Select 12 or 24 hour time. When the box is checked the TMPC is in 12 hour mode, when the box is unchecked the TMPC
is in 24 hour mode. The default setting is 12 hour mode. In the 12 hour mode of operation AM hours will display a dot in
the upper left corner of the display. PM hours will display a dot in the lower left corner of the display. (In 24 hour mode
there will be no indication of AM or PM)
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Time Machines by CSS | 6030 South 58th St., Suite C | Lincoln NE 68516
voice: 402.261.8688 | email: [email protected] | web: