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After getting familiar with your stove and its part and before you connect it to a chimney, check the quality of
the chimey. If the chimeny is not highest quality we recommend that stove pipe sections should be attached
to the cooker throught fume exit on the top side . Attach the stove pipe to the stove's flue collar, with sheet
metal screws.
Exhaust pipes and connection to chimney must go up ways
Horizontal parts of fumepipes should not be longer than 0,5m and they should always rise away
from stove a minimum of 10 torward chimeny.
Fume pipes diameter should not get smaller.
All connections must be tight , pipes and chimney must be clean and without any kind of dirt.
Chimney must be protected from cold (insulated) especially in the case of metal chimney and in
the case of exterior masonry chimney.
Non vertical fume pipes which don’t have insulation should not be longer than 1,25m
Chimney must fulfill the following conditions:
Chimney goes above roof minimum 0,5m.
Chimney should be higher than the firs house next to it, higher than tree or any other obstacle.
Interior chimney is preferable and exterior chimney must be well insulated.
Chimney must be clean of any kind of dirt, bird nests or any kind of
Stovepipe must not be attached to deep in to chimney because it decrease fuming out .
All unnecessary holes or cleaning doors on the chimney must be closed.