Flushing the water lines
Before operating water softener for the first time, flush out your water lines and the water softener bypass.
System Startup and Programming
Attach one plug of the power cord to the control valve power cord (top cord), and the other plug to the bypass
power cord. Plug in the power cord.
Programming instructions begin on next page.
A programming key detailing button settings is below.
Step by step programming instructions begin on page 13.
Please review all settings and adjust as necessary for your water hardness to ensure that the water softener will work
most effectively for your needs.
Display Screen
Button Area
1. Turn off the water source at the inlet to your home.
2. Disconnect the bypass from the control valve.
Place a container underneath the bypass to catch water. Turn on the water source to allow water to flow through
and remove any foreign material from the water lines.
4. Turn off the water source.
5. Reconnect the bypass to the control valve.
6. Check for any leaks.