THOMSON TV/DVD Combo Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

Votre garantie _ Your guarantee _ Ihre Garantie _ La vostra garanzia _

France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse (F, B, L, CH)

Cher Client,
Vous avez choisi un produit THOMSON multimedia. Nous vous
remercions d’avoir fait confiance à notre marque. Votre appareil a été
soumis à tous les essais requis et remplit toutes les exigences de sécurité 

Si toutefois des défauts dus à un vice, soit de fabrication soit du matériau,
devaient apparaître, THOMSON multimedia prendrait en charge la
réparation (pièces et main d'oeuvre) de chaque produit THOMSON
multimedia (hormis accessoires et pièces consomptibles) ou, si le produit
n'est pas considéré comme réparable par THOMSON multimedia,
l’échange du produit ou sa pièce défectueuse, pendant un an à partir de la
date d’achat (date de facture originale) si le produit a été acheté dans un
des pays suivants : F, I, E, P, GB, IRL, D, CH, A, B, L, NL (Territoire) ou
dans un magasin Duty-free situé dans l’un des pays pré-cités.

Pour la mise en oeuvre de cette garantie, vous aurez à présenter votre
facture originale ou le bon de caisse précisant la date d’achat et le nom de
votre revendeur ainsi que la carte de garantie indiquant le type de produit
et numéro de série. La prise en charge de la garantie sera refusée en cas
de modification ou altération des documents ci-dessus ou s'ils ont été
rendus illisibles.

Cette garantie n’est pas exclusive de l’application de la garantie légale du
pays dans lequel vous avez effectué l’achat (c’est-à-dire pour la France
vis-à-vis de votre vendeur).

La garantie ne couvre pas les cas suivants:
1. Dommages causés par une cause extérieure à l’appareil et notamment

par une chute du produit, foudre, incendie, dégâts des eaux etc.

2.  Frais d' acheminement aller et/ou retour ainsi que tout dommage en

cours de transport, directement ou indirectement liés à la mise en jeu
de cette garantie.

3. Dommages causés par négligence, utilisations impropres, contre-

indiquées ou non prévues dans la notice d’utilisation, installations
défectueuses, interventions impropres etc. 

4. Modifications ou adaptations de l'appareil pour le mettre en

adéquation avec des normes techniques et/ou de sécurité, autres que
celles en vigueur dans le pays pour lequel l’appareil à été conçu et
fabriqué à l'origine ou si un dommage résulte d’une telle adaptation.

Merci de bien vouloir vous adresser à votre revendeur ou une Station
Technique Agréée en cas de dysfonctionnement.  Avant toute demande,
nous vous conseillons toutefois de lire attentivement le mode d’emploi du
En cas de besoin de renseignements et / ou de services, notamment en
matière de garantie, dans un des pays du Territoire différent de celui dans
lequel vous avez acheté votre appareil, veuillez contacter le service
consommateurs THOMSON multimedia le plus proche.

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, n’hésitez pas à appeler notre
service consommateurs :

THOMSON multimedia

THOMSON multimedia

Marketing France

(Suisse) S.A

Service Relations 

Seewenweg 5

Consommateurs 4153 


46 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo


92100  Boulogne Billancourt

Tel. 061 716 96 50

Tel : 08 03 82 14 42

Fax. 061 716 96 55

Minitel : 3615 THOMSON TV

UK and Ireland (GB + IRL)

Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing this THOMSON multimedia product and for
your confidence in our company. This product meets applicable safety
requirements and has undergone stringent testing during manufacture.

However, should there occur a defect, the product or its defective part(s)
(excluding accessories and consumables) will be repaired free of charge
(labor and parts) or, at THOMSON multimedia’s discretion, exchanged
for a similar item, provided that it has been returned within 12 (twelve)
months from the date of original purchase (date of receipt), is defective in
materials and/or workmanship and has been bought in any of the
following countries: F, I, E, P, GB, IRL, D, CH, A, B, L, NL (Territory)
or in a Duty-free shop in the named countries.

This guarantee will be granted only upon presentation of the original
invoice or cash receipt, indicating the date of purchase and dealer’s name,
and of this guarantee card with the product type and serial number. The
benefits of this guarantee may be refused if the invoice, cash receipt or
guarantee card has been altered in any way, deleted or made illegible after
the original purchase.

This guarantee does not apply to any of the following:
1.  Damage caused by accidents including, but not limited to, lightning,

fire, water;

2.  Transport costs between the home and place of service and other costs

and risks of transport relating directly or indirectly to this guarantee;

3. Damage to the product resulting from neglect, misuse, including but

not limited to, failure to use, repair and/or install the product for its
normal domestic purposes and/or in accordance with the operating
instructions on its proper installation and use;

4.  Modifications, adaptations and alterations of the product to operate in

a country other than that for which  it was originally designed and
manufactured, or any damage resulting from such modifications;

These statements do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer under
applicable national legislation in force, nor your consumer’s rights
against the dealer from whom you bought the product. 

If you need service, whether or not under guarantee, please approach the
dealer who sold you the product.
In your own interest we advise you to read the instruction booklet for
your THOMSON multimedia product carefully before contacting your
dealer or service center.
If you need service while in a country (within the named Territory) other
than the one where you bought your product, please contact the nearest
THOMSON multimedia InfoCenter. 

Should you have any questions which your dealer is unable to answer,
please contact:

THOMSON multimedia Sales UK Ltd.,
30 Tower View
Kings Hill
West Malling
Kent ME19 4NQ
tel. 44 (0) 173 252 0920
fax. 44 (0) 173 252 0921

Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz (D, A, CH)

Sehr geehrter Kunde,
Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines THOMSON multimedia - Gerätes
entschieden. Vielen Dank für das Vertrauen, das Sie uns damit
entgegengebracht haben.

Ihr Kauf ist eine gute Wahl gewesen. Sollte sich dennoch ausnahmsweise
ein Grund zur Beanstandung ergeben, wird THOMSON multimedia-
ausdrücklich zusätzlich zu den Ihnen gesetzlich zustehenden
Gewährleistungsansprüchen - innerhalb von 12 Monaten ab Ersterwerb
(Datum des Kaufbeleges, siehe unten) alle von uns als garantiepflichtig
anerkannten Material- und Verarbeitungsfehler an THOMSON
multimedia-Geräten oder Geräteteilen (Zubehör ausgenommen), ohne
Berechnung von Lohn-und Materialkosten, entweder reparieren oder,
falls notwendig, das Gerät austauschen. Hierzu muß das Gerät in einem
der folgenden Länder: F, I, E, P, GB, IRL, D, CH, A, B, L, NL oder dort
in einem Duty-Free Shop gekauft worden sein. 

Die genannten Garantieleistungen werden erbracht bei Vorlage der
Originalrechnung bzw. des Kassenbeleges, auf dem Kaufdatum, Name
und Anschrift des Händlers sowie Typen- und Seriennummer des Gerätes
vermerkt sind. Garantieleistungen können nicht erbracht werden, wenn
nach dem Ersterwerb des Gerätes diese Angaben entfernt oder geändert
worden sind.

Unsere Garantie deckt keinen der folgenden Punkte:
a. Ausseneinwirkungen auf das Gerät durch z. B. Feuer, Blitz Wasser


b. Transport-, Fahrtkosten und -risiken, die unmittelbar oder mittelbar

mit der Garantie zusammenhängen;

c. Schäden, die durch nicht bestimmungsgemässen Gebrauch,

fehlerhafte Installation, unsachgemäss durch-geführte Reparaturen
sowie allgemein infolge einer Nichtbeachtung
der Bedienungsanleitung entstanden sind;

d. Anpassungen und/oder Veränderungen des Gerätes an geltende

nationale technische und/oder sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen
eines Landes, für das das Gerät nicht ursprünglich entwickelt und
hergestellt  worden ist.

Von dieser Garantie bleiben die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zur
Gewährleistung im Land des Kaufes unberührt.

Durch eine Inanspruchnahme unserer Garantie wird die ursprüngliche
Garantiefrist weder verlängert noch wird eine neue Garantiefrist in Gang

Sollten Sie also eine Beanstandung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren
Händler oder an eine autorisierte Werkstatt oder Annahmestelle. In Ihrem
eigenen Interesse sollten Sie allerdings zuvor die Bedienungsanleitung
sorgfältig lesen.

Falls Ihr Händler eine Frage nicht beantworten kann oder Sie sich zur Zeit
der Beanstandung in anderen als den o. g. Ländern aufhalten sollten
können Sie sich, darüberhinaus selbstverständlich an Ihr nächstgelegenes
THOMSON multimedia InfoCenter wenden.

THOMSON InfoCenter (D)               THOMSON multimedia(Schweiz) AG
THOMSON multimedia

Seewenweg 5

Sales Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

4153 Reinach

Karl-Wiechert-allee 74


D - 30625 Hannover

Tel. 061 716 96 50

Tel. 00-49-(0)1805 257486

Fax. 061 716 96 55

Italia e Svizzera (I, CH) 

Caro Cliente,
Vi ringraziamo di aver  acquistato  questo prodotto Thomson multimedia
e della fiducia riposta nella nostra azienda. Questo prodotto risponde alle
norme di sicurezza ed è stato sottoposto a severi controlli durante la

Tuttavia, se dovesse presentarsi un difetto, entro 12 mesi dalla data
d’acquisto, il prodotto o la sua parte non funzionante (escluso accessori e
parti soggette a usura), verrà riparato gratuitamente (manodopera e
ricambi) o, a discrezione di THOMSON multimedia, sostituito con un
articolo simile, previa restituzione dell’apparecchio difettoso e a
condizione che sia stato acquistato in una delle seguenti nazioni: F, I, E,
P, GB, IRL, D, CH, A, B, L, NL (territorio) o in un Duty-free shop nei
paesi citati.

Questa garanzia è riconosciuta solo dietro presentazione della fattura o
della ricevuta fiscale originali, indicanti la data d’acquisto, il nome del
rivenditore e inoltre solo se la cartolina di garanzia riporta il modello e il
numero di serie del prodotto. La garanzia può essere rifiutata se la fattura,
la ricevuta fiscale o il certificato di garanzia sono stati alterati, cancellati
o resi illeggibili dopo l’acquisto.

Questa garanzia non copre:
1. Danni accidentali che includano, ma non limitati a: fulmine, fuoco,


2.  I costi di trasporto tra l’abitazione e il punto assistenza e altri costi e

rischi di trasporto riferiti direttamente o indirettamente a questa

3.  Danni al prodotto risultanti da negligenza o uso scorretto, che

includano ma non limitati a riparazione e/o installazione del prodotto
per i normali fini domestici, secondo le istruzioni d’uso circa la sua
installazione e uso propri.

4.  Modifiche, adattamenti e alterazioni del prodotto per operare in un

paese diverso da quello per il quale è stato originariamente concepito
e costruito, o qualunque danno risultante da tali modifiche.

Quanto sopra non incide nè sui Vostri diritti come consumatori in base
alla legislazione nazionale  in vigore, nè sui diritti dei consumatori
rispetto al rivenditore, dal quale è stato acquistato il prodotto.
Se avete bisogno di assistenza tecnica, sia in garanzia sia fuori garanzia,
contattate il rivenditore che Vi ha venduto il prodotto, o meglio, il centro
assistenza autorizzato THOMSON multimedia ; se Vi trovate in un paese
tra  quelli citati, diverso da quello in cui avete acquistato il prodotto,
contattate il centro informazioni THOMSON multimedia più vicino. Nel
Vostro interesse, Vi consigliamo di leggere attentamente il libretto
istruzioni del Vostro prodotto THOMSON multimedia prima di contattare
il rivenditore o il centro assistenza tecnica.

In caso di domande a cui il Vostro rivenditore non è in grado di
rispondere, contattate:

THOMSON multimedia

THOMSON multimedia

Sales Italy S.p.A. (I) 

(Svizzera) AG (CH) 

Via L. Da Vinci, 43

Seewenweg 5

20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI)

4153 Reinach

Tel. 02/484141


Tel. 061 716 96 50

Fax. 061 716 96 55

Guarcard C17 C19  24/02/00 11:36  Page 1

Содержание TV/DVD Combo

Страница 1: ...TV DVD c20dCV7L 21 07 00 14 24 Page 1 ...

Страница 2: ...ower View Kings Hill West Malling Kent ME19 4NQ tel 44 0 173 252 0920 fax 44 0 173 252 0921 http www thomson europe com Deutschland Österreich Schweiz D A CH Sehr geehrter Kunde Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines THOMSON multimedia Gerätes entschieden Vielen Dank für das Vertrauen das Sie uns damit entgegengebracht haben Ihr Kauf ist eine gute Wahl gewesen Sollte sich dennoch ausnahmsweise ein Grun...

Страница 3: ...dukt beantwoordt aan de van toepassing zijnde veiligheidseisen en heeft tijdens het productieproces strikte tests ondergaan Mocht er toch een gebrek optreden dan wordt het produkt of het de defecte onderdeel delen ervan met uitzondering van accessoires en verbruiksonderdelen zonder kosten i h b arbeidskosten en of kosten van onderdelen gerepareerd ofwel op besluit van THOMSON multimedia geruild te...

Страница 4: ...ia Hungary Kft felhatalmazásával nem rendelkezõ személy vagy szervíz által végzett a felhasználói útmutatóban leírtaktól eltérõ beavatkozások és egyéb javítások esetében Ebben az esetben a garancia azonnali hatállyal megszûnik a készülék szándékos rongálása és a karbantartás hiánya túlzott igénybevétel pl a készülék professzionális célokra való használata 5 Avevõcserekészülékre vagyvételárvisszaté...

Страница 5: ...mmelse med din handlare Ελληνικά GR Αγαπητέ αγοραστή Ευχαριστούµε για την επιλογή και την εµπιστοσύνη που δείχνετε στα προϊÞντα τησ THOMSON multimedia Τα προϊÞντα τησ εταιρείασ µασ πληρούν Þλεσ τισ απαιτήσεισ ασφαλείασ και περνούν απÞ αυστηρούσ ποιοτικούσ ελέγχουσ κατά την διάρκεια τησ κατασκευήσ τουσ στα εργοστάσια τησ THOMSON multimedia ΑκÞµη Þµωσ και στην περίπτωση εµφάνισησ βλάβησ που έχει προ...

Страница 6: ...AV1 c20dCV7L 21 07 00 14 24 Page 4 ...

Страница 7: ...10 cm 10 cm 5 cm 10 cm c20dCV7L 21 07 00 14 24 Page 3 ...

Страница 8: ...erences TV Remote control 6 Everyday use 7 Selecting and scrolling channels Selecting connected equipment AV Adjusting volume and cutting off the sound Zoom Displaying information Locking theTV DVD set Turning theTV DVD set off List of channels Time Stereo Nicam Virtual Dolby sound 8 Teletext 9 The pages of this publication are printed on recycled paper This manual applies to several TV DVD models...

Страница 9: ... an electric shock or touch the laser beam Do not place your eyes close to the opening of the disc tray or any other opening to look inside the player THOMSON multimedia is not liable if the TV DVD is used other than in accordance with this manual Care Clean the screen with a glass care cleaner and the rest of the set with a soft cloth and neutral detergent Regularly dust the vents at the back and...

Страница 10: ...CKET Please respect the environment and prevailing regulations Before you dispose of batteries or accumulators ask your dealer whether they are subject to special recycling and if he accepts to take them back 1 3 2 INSERTINGTHE BATTERIES Insert two batteries of type LR06 or AA Put the batteries in the remote control unit Connect the TV DVD to a mains socket Connect the outside aerial or cable netw...

Страница 11: ...acter to be altered with the keys Scroll the alphabet with the 1 and 2 keys The name will be changed when you change line or leave the menu The first setup consists in carrying out all the required settings to search and store all the channels you can receive in your particular area Power theTV DVD set with the On Off switch A A located at the front and scrupulously follow the steps 1 to 7 of this...

Страница 12: ...e Country the choice of country is important for the correct display ofTeletext screens in the corresponding language Auto volume level check the box if you want to keep the same sound level on all channels AV1 name AV2 name AV3 name give a name to the socket according to the equipment that you are connecting to it Choose the character to be altered with the or keys Using the 1 or 2 keys display t...

Страница 13: ... dvd position To control other equipment see page 20 To switch from TV to DVD mode or from DVD to TV mode IMPORTANT If the batteries of your remote control are flat you can use the keys on the front of the unit they have the same functions as those of the remote control tv dvd vcr tv dvd sat hifi Programmes To switch from one programme to another Choose a programme by entering its number For the 2...

Страница 14: ...front A green indicator on the front indicates that theTV DVD is on Going to and from stand by switching theTV DVD on standby is performed with the key B on the remote control This key allows you to switch off yourTV DVD with the remote control The status on standby is signalled by the red indicator lamp on the front side of theTV DVD set To switch on yourTV DVD set again press any of the remote c...

Страница 15: ...e type of sound Select the line then choose the type of sound you want The Magic and Virtual Dolby modes are only available if the sound is of a stereo type Surround effect this line only appears if DolbyVirtual is selected on the Sound mode line Select the line and adjust the surround effect Balance L R select the line then balance the sound between the Left and Right speakers Sound preset choose...

Страница 16: Teletext on the channel that you are watching Index to call up the Index page select 100 with the or keys and confirm with ok Display a page by keying in the three figures of its page number e g 170 After a moment the page appears Refer to the following or previous pages with the Scrolling pages some information takes up several pages They scroll on screen as they are received To stop them scro...

Страница 17: ...ns Memo Wake up etc are suggested for you on the last line of the menu Select them with the or keys Memorise to be alerted while you are watching one programme that another programme is starting select the Memo option with the or keys Choose the programme to be memorised with the or keys Confirm with the ok key The REVIEW screen appears Check your settings Alarm call to program the TV DVD to come ...

Страница 18: ... set up the device menus and disc languages sound outputs display modes to choose the play mode or lock the device The info menu will enable you during play to display information about the disc and to access some special play functions The info menu is deactivated when the disc is stopped To access it press the PLAY key to put the disc in playback then press the title key This menu is available i...

Страница 19: ...laying a disc to stop it completely and restart from the beginning press twice Hold this key down for a few seconds until the drawer opens PAUSE for a pause a still frame or an image by image selection PLA Y FWD ST OP REV PAUSE DVD functions Sound Adjusts the audio volume This function is activated on the TV DVD set whatever the position of the function selector hi fi position excepted Mutes or ca...

Страница 20: ...tion On some DVDs and Video CDs this function allows you to enlarge the image during a playback at normal speed or during a pause The zoom in will be 1 5 or 2 or 4 times the normal size for DVDs and twice the normal size forVideo CDs When you press on this remote control key the image centre is enlarged When the image is sufficiently enlarged you can navigate from one zone to the next with the key...

Страница 21: ...timally use the length of the segment see the next step and to leave a minimum length of non recorded tape on the cassette Program the tracks are sorted according to the programming list order of the menu Edit Program Choose the length of the segment with keys or You can record several segments and switch from one to the other select the 7or8 key and press ok To start reading the segments select t...

Страница 22: ... audio multichannel signals Dolby Digital AC 3 is a sound compression technique elaborated by Dolby Laboratories for digital audio multichannel signals The Dolby Digital system enables any audio channel configuration from a stereo sound 2 channels up to the digital surround sound 5 1 If you have a Dolby Surround Pro Logic amplifier decoder you may fully enjoy its Pro Logic system either with title...

Страница 23: ...en press ok Choose the language with keys or and press ok to confirm If the chosen language is available it will automatically be selected when you display the sub titles see page 19 If it is not the subtitle language indicated on the disc will be selected If you choose the automatic option the preferred language used for sub titles will be the one you chose for the dialogues see above Because of ...

Страница 24: ...etermined by the disc publisher Select the Ratings Limits line then press ok to confirm Choose the country whose rating standards comply with your requirements select Counrty and press ok to confirm Select the country with keys or and press ok to confirm Choose the limit select Rated Titles and press ok to confirm Select the level with keys or and press ok to confirm All the unrated titles may off...

Страница 25: ...epeat info with keys Choose an option with keys To repeat a sequence between two points A and B choose the option repeat A B then follow the given instructions to enter both points To stop repeating the playback select the Repeat info and choose the stop option press twice on the STOP key access the disc menu by pressing the disc menu key REPEAT PLAY The repeat principle is a loop reading between ...

Страница 26: ...s then choose a Standard Random Program mode with keys The Progr mode is only available if a list has been drawn in Edit Program Play Mode menu of the main menu see page 14 To read the first 10 seconds of each track select the Introscan info with keys then press ok to confirm Audio channel Video CD Select the Audio Channel info with keys then choose an option stereo sound left hand side channel ri...

Страница 27: ...e level Choose a radio station by entering the number To switch from one programme to another vcr tv dvd sat hifi vcr tv dvd sat hifi tv menu ok exit 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 9 1 0 pr pr vcr tv dvd sat hifi tv menu ok exit 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 9 1 0 pr pr 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 9 1 0 pr pr av To program the remote control unit 1 According to the model of remote control unit press on the vcr key or slide the switch in the po...

Страница 28: ...f it is a camcorder Connection of a video recorder see diagram at the end of the leaflet inside the cover If you connect a video recorder to the aerial socket you will have to search and memorise the video recorder modulator channel Switch the video recorder on insert a recorded cassette to be read and search for images see Chapter Completing set up on page 5 Store at any programme ending with a 9...

Страница 29: ... Programme for l 01 reference time 13 15 28 09 99 Select a station from which you want to get the reference time COUNTRY SELECTION Return B B United Kingdom Eire France Deutschland Italia Espa a Portugal Nederland Belgique Luxembourg Schweiz sterreich Sverige Danmark Norge Other PICTURE Return Picture preset Film Brightness Colour Contrast Sharpness Contrast expand Faible Tone Neutre Noise reducti...

Страница 30: ...ugu s m Nederlands Info Displays Angle indicator Scene Again Text Dolby Digital DTS ok ok ok ok ok m 4x3 Letterbox m 4x3 standard m 16x9 Wide screen 16X9 Play Play mode Lock Display Sound Languages Glossary TV Image On Screen Displays 3 4 Play Play mode Lock Display Sound Languages Glossary Lock Player Unlock Player Change Password Ratings Limits System Test 3 4 On DTS Play Play mode Lock Display ...

Страница 31: ...7679 Swahili 8387 Byelorussian 6669 Latin 7665 Swedish 8386 Cambodian 7577 Latvian Lettish 7686 Tagalog 8476 Catalan 6765 Lingala 7678 Tajik 8471 Chinese 9072 Lithuanian 7684 Tamil 8465 Corsican 6779 Macedonian 7775 Tatar 8484 Croatian 7282 Malagsy 7771 Telugu 8469 Czech 6783 Malay 7783 Thai 8472 Danish 6865 Malayalam 7776 Tibetan 6676 Dutch 7876 Maltese 7784 Tigrinya 8473 English 6978 Maori 7773 ...

Страница 32: ...a 6 0 18 4430335 Nowy Targ SERVIS RTV i AGD ul Szaflarska 93d 0 18 2665013 Olsztyn ZBYSZKO ul Gałczyńskiego 1 19 0 89 5277566 Opole SYNCHRO ul Sz Szeregów 23 0 77 4559254 Ostrołęka TELE AUDIO VIDEO ul Kilińskiego 2B 0 29 7643781 Ostrów Wielkopolski SERWIS RTV ul Kompały 1a 0 62 7367644 Pabianice P H U ZAKMAR ul Wyspiańskiego 4 0 42 2157008 Piekary Śląskie ELEKTRONIK SERWIS ul Wyzwolenia 2A 0 32 28...

Страница 33: ... 510 RX V 492 510 DSP A3090 DSP A1 512 Chaine Hi Fi Stereoanlage Impianto Hi Fi Equipo Hi Fi Hi Fi System AIWA 167 168 AKAI 103 104 105 106 107 BLAUPUNKT 108 109 162 BRANDT 101 112 156 102 DAEWOO 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 FERGUSON 101 102 160 112 153 155 156 157 FISHER 135 136 137 FUNAI 130 GOLDSTAR 123 134 GRUNDIG 161 169 170 HITACHI 110 112 122 123 JVC 106 110 111 112 113 MITSUBISHI 148 14...

Страница 34: ...XIS 370 GOLDSTAR 371 GOODMANS 372 GRUNDIG 338 374 376 HANSEATIC 377 HIRSCHMANN 378 382 HITACHI 383 HUTH 384 385 ITT NOKIA 386 387 KATHREIN 388 391 LASAT 392 396 LENCO 397 MATSUI 398 MICRO TECHNOLOGY 399 MORGANS 401 NOKIA 404 ORBITECH 406 407 PACE 303 408 412 PHILIPS 373 375 413 423 450 PROSAT 424 RADIX 348 451 REVOX 400 SABA 446 448 SAGEM 443 SALORA 425 426 SENTRA 444 SKY DIGITAL 452 STRONG 427 TA...

Страница 35: ...prix d un appel local Ihr Kontakt zu THOMSON 0180 1000 390 für Deutschland Kosten zum Ortstarif You can contact THOMSON by dialling 0845 601 3093 For Great Britain all calls will be charged at local rate Para contactar con THOMSON marque 901 900 410 las llamadas serán cargadas al precio de la tarifa local Il vostro contatto THOMSON 8488 10 168 tariffa chiamata urbana www thomson europe com HELPLIN...
