The SpeedTouch fi rewall guarantees users the ultimate level in network security.
Through integration with Hyper-NAT, the fi rewall leverages all the ALGs provided
in the Hyper-NAT context to minimize undesired service impact. The SpeedTouch
fi rewall provides stateful inspection of packets, and an integrated Denial of
Service (DoS) engine monitors a wide range of attack patterns, and logs potential
security breaches to a local cache or remote server.
Filtering of unwanted content on the Internet also got integrated in the
SpeedTouch 585(i). Three levels of content fi ltering are available:
• Basic Content Filtering provides white list/blacklist based url fi ltering, which
can be maintained locally or remotely.
• Standard Content Filtering provides subscription based URL blocking using a
network located URL database for URL classifi cation.
• Advanced Content Filtering is a subscription-based service that additionally
provides a dynamic mechanism for classifying and blocking content.
The classifi cation database is an on-line store of characterized URL’s, which is
continuously updated. The SpeedTouch Gateway queries the database for each
http request and decides on serving the page based on the policy assigned
to the requestor.
The SpeedTouch 585(i) supports a number of features, which guarantee effi cient
and robust delivery of multimedia services from the core of the network right to
the end user.
• TR-37 enables auto-confi guration of network bandwidth according to service
needs, allowing seamless integration with the network’s provisioning system.
• Diffserv IPQoS
• WiFi QoS such as WME guarantee local delivery of streamed media to the
service delivery nodes
• Smart DNS and DHCP supports smooth introduction of media delivery nodes
like Set Top Boxes, VoIP phones, etc.
Access Platform & Gateways
585(i) v6 -
Residential Wireless ADSL2+ Gateway