Chapter 2
Features & Menus
Portable Hard Drive Capability
Thus far, this User’s Guide has discussed your PDP 2800 Thomson Lyra Jukebox player’s music
functions. However, this is the first Thomson Lyra model that has a hard drive (other models
required a compact flash card). Since it has a 10-gigabyte hard drive, you can use it to
transport files — any files, not just music files. Some possible uses for this feature follow:
Create back-ups/archive files
Connect to other computers — at work, for example.
Transport digital photo albums.
Transport files from one computer to another computer. For example, instead of putting
files at work on a zip or accessing them on your home computer via e-mail or remote
access, you can put the files on your Thomson Lyra Jukebox.
Capture internet downloads.
Share information.
Connecting your Thomson Lyra Jukebox to your Computer
You connect the Thomson Lyra Jukebox to your computer via the USB mini-cable (provided).
line out
Connect the Thomson Lyra Jukebox to your computer with the mini USB cable provided.
The Thomson Lyra Jukebox will appear as a Removable Disk drive letter.
It might take several seconds for the device (the Thomson Lyra Jukebox) to be
detected, especially in Windows 2000. Click Refresh in My Computer or Explorer to
make sure the device has been detected.
From Windows Explorer, highlight all of the files/folders you want to transfer to your
Thomson Lyra Jukebox and drag them to the drive letter that is associated with it
Go to page 31 for more information about transferring files.