Zodiak Release Notes
Version 4.0
A license agreement screen will appear (
Figure 12. Grass Valley License Agreement
Agree to the terms and touch
Next >
If a Internet Explorer Installation box appears, touch OK. The upgrade of
Explorer is not necessary for the Software Update but is recommended.
Internet Explorer is available from Microsoft.
Figure 13. Internet Explorer
The Zodiak Installation screen appears (
) with the following
Zodiak Application Software — Used for installing software on
actual Zodiak system hardware.
Menu on PC — Installs only the Zodiak Menu application on a PC
or an additional Menu panel, which when networked with the
Zodiak system provides an additional control point.
Still Store Loader — Installs the Still Store Loader utility program
on the system where the CD is currently mounted, either a PC or the
Zodiak Menu panel.
NetCentral Agent Configuration Tool — Used to install the NetCen-
tral Agent, required for the NetCentral option, on a Zodiak system.
Available only when SNMP is configured.