THOMSON 27LB125B5 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

Votre garantie _ Your guarantee _ Ihre Garantie _ La vostra garanzia

France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse (FR, BE, LU, CH)

Cher Client,
Vous avez choisi un produit THOMSON. Nous vous remercions d’avoir fait confiance à notre marque.Votre appa-
reil a été soumis à tous les essais requis et remplit toutes les exigences de sécurité applicables.
Si toutefois des défauts dus à un vice, soit de fabrication soit du matériau, devaient apparaître,THOMSON prendrait
en charge la réparation (pièces et main d’œuvre) de chaque produit THOMSON (hormis accessoires et pièces
consommables, en particulier les lampes de rétroprojecteurs utilisant la technologie DLP) ou, sur décision de
Thomson, l’échange par un produit équivalent, pendant un an à partir de la date d’achat (date de facture originale)
si le produit a été acheté dans un des pays suivants : FR, IT, ES, PT, GB, IE, DE, CH,AT, BE, LU, NL, PL, CZ, HU, SK
(Territoire) ou dans un magasin Duty-free situé dans l’un des pays précités.
Pour la mise en œuvre de cette garantie, vous aurez à présenter votre facture originale ou le bon de cais-
se précisant la date d’achat et le nom de votre revendeur, ainsi que la carte de garantie indiquant le type
de produit et numéro de série.
Cette garantie n’est pas exclusive de l’application de la garantie légale du pays dans lequel vous avez effectué l’achat
; c’est à dire pour la France, cette garantie légale s’applique vis-à-vis de votre vendeur dans les conditions prévues
aux articles 1641 à 1649 du code civil.
Par ailleurs, en France, les règles suivantes s’appliquent au vendeur :
« Article. L. 211-4 du code de la consommation : Le vendeur est tenu de livrer un bien conforme au contrat et
répond des défauts de conformité existant lors de la délivrance. Il répond également des défauts de conformité
résultant de l’emballage, des instructions de montage ou de l’installation lorsque celle-ci a été mise à sa charge par
le contrat ou a été réalisée sous sa responsabilité ;
Article L. 211-5 du code de la consommation : Pour être conforme au contrat, le bien doit : 1. Etre propre à l’usa-
ge habituellement attendu d’un bien semblable et, le cas échéant ; – correspondre à la description donnée par le
vendeur et posséder les qualités que celui-ci a présentées à l’acheteur sous forme d’échantillon ou de modèle ; –
présenter les qualités qu’un acheteur peut légitimement attendre eu égard aux déclarations publiques faites par le
vendeur, par le producteur ou par son représentant, notamment dans la publicité ou l’étiquetage ; 2. Ou présenter
les caractéristiques définies d’un commun accord par les parties ou être propre à tout usage spécial recherché par
l’acheteur, porté à la connaissance du vendeur et que ce dernier a accepté ;
Article  L. 211-12 du code de la consommation : L’action résultant du défaut de conformité se prescrit par deux
ans à compter de la délivrance du bien ;
Article 1641 du code civil : Le vendeur est tenu de la garantie à raison des défauts cachés de la chose vendue qui
la rendent impropre à l'usage auquel on la destine, ou qui diminuent tellement cet usage, que l'acheteur ne l'aurait
pas acquise, ou n'en aurait donné qu'un moindre prix, s'il les avait connus ;Article 1648 du code civil : L'action résul-
tant des vices rédhibitoires doit être intentée par l'acquéreur, dans un bref délai, suivant la nature des vices rédhi-
bitoires, et l'usage du lieu où la vente a été faite. »
La garantie ne couvre pas les cas suivants :
1. Dommages causés par une cause extérieure à l’appareil et notamment par une chute du produit, foudre, incen-

die, dégâts des eaux, etc.

2. Frais d’acheminement aller et/ou retour, ainsi que tout dommage en cours de transport, directement ou indirec-

tement liés à la mise en jeu de cette garantie.

3. Dommages causés par négligence, utilisations impropres, contre-indiquées ou non prévues dans la notice d’uti-

lisation, installations défectueuses, interventions impropres, etc., en particulier, comme indiqué dans le manuel
d’utilisation du produit, écran marqué suite à la présence d’images fixes comme le sigle des chaînes de diffusion
ou l’utilisation prolongée du format 4/3.

4. Modifications ou adaptations de l'appareil pour le mettre en adéquation avec des normes techniques et/ou de

sécurité, autres que celles en vigueur dans le pays pour lequel l’appareil a été conçu et fabriqué à l'origine ou si
un dommage résulte d’une telle adaptation.

5. Utilisations autres que l’usage domestique standard au domicile.
6. Défauts de pixels (éteints, sur brillants) lorsque le nombre de pixels affectés est inférieur à :

pixels éteints : 7

pixels sur brillants : 3

total défectueux : 8

Pour la réparation de votre produit, vous devez vous adresser à votre revendeur ou à notre service Relations
Consommateurs dont les coordonnées figurent ci-dessous.Avant toute demande, nous vous conseillons toutefois
de lire attentivement le mode d’emploi du produit.
En cas de besoin de renseignements et / ou de services, notamment en matière de garantie, dans un des pays du
Territoire différent de celui dans lequel vous avez acheté votre appareil, veuillez contacter le service consom-
mateurs THOMSON le plus proche.
Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, n’hésitez pas à appeler notre service Relations Consommateurs :

THOMSON multimedia (Suisse) S.A

Relations Consommateurs

Seewenweg 5

BP 70324 

4153 Reinach

49003 ANGERS Cedex 01


Tel : 0826 820 456*

Tel. 0900 905 950*

Fax. 061 716 96 55

*(pour la France, 0,15 euros la minute)
*(0,18 CHF/min.)

Les téléviseurs de marque THOMSON et de marque SABA sont fabriqués par TTE Europe SAS.

UK and Ireland (GB + IE) 

Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing this THOMSON product and for your confidence in our company.This prod-
uct meets applicable safety requirements and has undergone stringent testing during manufacture.

However, should there occur a defect, the product or its defective part(s) (excluding accessories and
consumables, especially lamps of DLP rearprojectors) will be repaired free of charge (labour and parts)
or, at THOMSON’s discretion, exchanged for a similar item, provided that it has been returned within
12 (twelve) months from the date of original purchase (date of receipt), is defective in materials and/or
workmanship and has been bought in any of the following countries: FR, IT, ES, PT, GB, IE, DE, CH, AT,
BE, LU, NL, PL, CZ, HU, SK (Territory) or in a Duty-free shop in the named countries.

This guarantee will be granted only upon presentation of the original invoice or cash receipt, indicat-
ing the date of purchase and dealer’s name, and of this guarantee card with the product type and seri-
al number.The benefits of this guarantee may be refused if the invoice, cash receipt or guarantee card
has been altered in any way, deleted or made illegible after the original purchase.

This guarantee does not apply to any of the following:
1. Damage caused by accidents including, but not limited to, lightning, fire, water.
2. Transport costs between the home and place of service and other costs and risks of transport relat-
ing directly or indirectly to this guarantee.
3. Damage to the product resulting from neglect, misuse, including but not limited to, failure to use,
repair and/or install the product for its normal domestic purposes and/or in accordance with the oper-
ating instructions on its proper installation and use, especially, referring to the user manual, burned
screen provoked by the lengthy display of a fixed picture like broadcaster logo or 4x3 format 
4. Modifications, adaptations and alterations of the product to operate in a country other than that for
which it was originally designed and manufactured, or any damage resulting from such modifications.
5. Usage other than usual consumer home usage.
6. Defects on individual pixels when the number of defective is below the following number:

Dark pixels: 7

Bright pixels: 3Total dark and bright: 8

These statements do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer under applicable national legisla-
tion in force, nor your consumer’s rights against the dealer from whom you bought the product.

If you need service, whether or not under guarantee, please approach the dealer who sold you the
In your own interest we advise you to read the instruction booklet for your THOMSON product care-
fully before contacting your dealer or service center.
If you need service while in a country (within the named Territory) other than the one where you
bought your product, please contact the nearest THOMSON InfoCenter.

Should you have any questions which your dealer is unable to answer, please contact:

Unit 1, Zone D
Chelmsford Road
Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow
Essex CM6 1XG (England)
tel. 0871 712 1312*
*(0.1£ per minute call cost)

Televisions under THOMSON trademark or SABA trademark are made by TTE Europe SAS

Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz (DE, AT, CH)

Sehr geehrter Kunde,
Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines THOMSON - Gerätes entschieden.Vielen Dank für das Vertrauen, das Sie uns
damit entgegengebracht haben.

Ihr Kauf ist eine gute Wahl gewesen. Sollte sich dennoch ausnahmsweise ein Grund zur Beanstandung ergeben,
wird THOMSON - ausdrücklich neben den Ihnen gesetzlich zustehenden Gewährleistungsansprüchen – innerhalb
von 24 Monaten * ab Ersterwerb (Datum des Kaufbeleges, siehe unten) alle von uns als garantiepflichtig aner-
kannten Material- und Verarbeitungsfehler an THOMSON - Geräten oder Geräteteilen (Zubehör,Verschleißteile
und Lampen für DLP Projektoren sind ausgenommen), ohne Berechnung von Lohn- und Materialkosten, entwe-
der reparieren oder, falls notwendig, das Gerät austauschen.

Hierzu muß das Gerät in Deutschland, Österreich oder dort in einem Duty–Free-Shop gekauft worden sein. Ist
das Gerät in folgenden Ländern: CH, FR, IT, ES, PT, GB, IE, BE, LU, NL, PL, CZ, HU, SK gekauft, gilt die Zusage des
Garantieanspruchs für 12 Monate.

Die genannten Garantieleistungen werden erbracht bei Vorlage der Originalrechnung bzw. des Kassenbeleges, auf
dem Kaufdatum, Name und Anschrift des Händlers sowie Typen- und Seriennummer des Gerätes vermerkt sind.

Garantieleistungen können nicht erbracht werden, wenn nach dem Ersterwerb des Gerätes diese Angaben ent-
fernt oder geändert worden sind.

Unsere Garantie deckt keinen der folgenden Punkte:
a. Außeneinwirkungen auf das Gerät durch z. B. Feuer, Blitz,Wasser etc.

b. Schäden, die durch nicht bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch, fehlerhafte Installation, unsachgemäß durchgeführte
Reparaturen sowie allgemein infolge einer Nichtbeachtung der Bedienungsanleitung entstanden sind.
Durch längere Darstellung von bewegungslosen Bildern, vom Computer,Videospiel, Foto,Text, Senderlogos usw.
kann in jedem Bildformat ein Einbrennen verursacht werden. Bei der Darstellung im 4:3 Format ist ein Einbrennen
(des Bildrandes rechts u. links) ebenfalls möglich.

c. Anpassungen und/oder Veränderungen des Gerätes an geltende nationale technische und/oder sicherheitstech-
nische Anforderungen eines Landes, für das das Gerät nicht ursprünglich entwickelt und hergestellt worden ist.

d. Andere Anwendungen als im normalen Haushalt ( z.B. gewerbliche Nutzung).

e. Ist die Anzahl der fehlerhaften Pixel auf dem Panel kleiner als in der Tabelle dargestellt, ist dieses kein Fehler und
unterliegt nicht der Garantieleistung:

Dunkle Pixel: 7

Helle Pixel: 3

Gesamt Anzahl an dunklen und hellen Pixeln: 8

Von dieser Garantie bleiben die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zur Gewährleistung im Land des Kaufes unberührt.
Durch eine Inanspruchnahme unserer Garantie wird die ursprüngliche Garantiefrist weder verlängert noch wird
eine neue Garantiefrist in Gang gesetzt.
Wenn Sie einen Reparatur-Service für Ihr Gerät beanspruchen, sowohl in als auch nach der Garantiezeit, wenden
Sie sich an Ihren Fachhändler, oder an das THOMSON Info-Center, unter der unten angegebenen Adresse.
Falls Ihr Händler eine Frage nicht beantworten kann oder Sie sich zur Zeit der Beanstandung in anderen als den
o. g. Ländern aufhalten sollten, können Sie sich darüber hinaus selbstverständlich an Ihr nächstgelegenes
THOMSON Info-Center wenden.

* gültig ab 01. Januar 2003

THOMSON multimedia

THOMSON multimedia (Schweiz) AG

Sales Germany & Austria GmbH

Seewenweg 5

Karl-Wiechert-Allee 74

4153 Reinach

D - 30625 Hannover


Tel. 0180 1000 390

Tel. 0900 905 950**

(für Deutschland, Kosten zum Ortstarif)

Fax. 061 716 96 55

**(0,18 CHF/min.)

TV-Geräte der Marken THOMSON und SABA sind - Made by TTE Europe SAS

Italia e Svizzera (IT, CH) 

Caro Cliente,
Vi ringraziamo di aver acquistato questo prodotto THOMSON e della fiducia riposta nella nostra azien-
da. Questo prodotto risponde alle norme di sicurezza ed è stato sottoposto a severi controlli duran-
te la produzione.

Tuttavia, se dovesse presentarsi un difetto, entro 12 mesi dalla data d’acquisto, il prodotto o la sua parte
non funzionante (escluso accessori e parti soggette a usura, specialmente lampade per retroproietto-
ri DLP), verrà riparato gratuitamente (manodopera e ricambi) o, a discrezione di THOMSON, sosti-
tuito con un articolo simile, previa restituzione dell’apparecchio difettoso e a condizione che sia stato
acquistato in una delle seguenti nazioni: FR, IT, ES, PT, GB, IE, DE, CH, AT, BE, LU, NL, PL, CZ, HU, SK
(territorio) o in un Duty-free shop nei paesi citati.

Questa garanzia è riconosciuta solo dietro presentazione della fattura o della ricevuta fiscale originali,
indicanti la data d’acquisto, il nome del rivenditore e inoltre solo se la cartolina di garanzia riporta il
modello e il numero di serie del prodotto. La garanzia può essere rifiutata se la fattura, la ricevuta fisca-
le o il certificato di garanzia sono stati alterati, cancellati o resi illeggibili dopo l’acquisto.

Questa garanzia non copre:
1. Danni accidentali che includano, ma non limitati a: fulmine, fuoco, acqua.
2. Danni al prodotto risultanti da negligenza o uso scorretto, che includano ma non limitati a ripara-
zione e/o installazione del prodotto per i normali fini domestici, secondo le istruzioni d’uso circa la sua
installazione e uso propri.
3. Modifiche, adattamenti e alterazioni del prodotto per operare in un paese diverso da quello per il
quale è stato originariamente concepito e costruito, o qualunque danno risultante da tali modifiche.
4. In special modo, con riferimento al libretto di istruzioni, l’impressionamento dello schermo provo-
cato dalla lunga visualizzazione di un’immagine fissa come il logo di un’emittente televisiva o di un for-
mato 4/3.
5. Differenti utilizzi dal normale uso domestico.
6. Singoli pixel difettosi quando il numero degli stessi e' inferiore ai seguenti dati:

Pixel Spenti: 7

Pixel Accesi: 3

Totali spenti e accesi: 8

Quanto sopra non incide nè sui Vostri diritti come consumatori in base alla legislazione nazionale in
vigore, nè sui diritti dei consumatori rispetto al rivenditore, dal quale è stato acquistato il prodotto.
Se avete bisogno di assistenza tecnica sia in garanzia che fuori garanzia, contattate il centro assistenza
tecnica più vicino a voi, oppure il Call Center THOMSON all'indirizzo che trovate qui sotto ; se Vi tro-
vate in un paese tra quelli citati, diverso da quello in cui avete acquistato il prodotto, contattate il cen-
tro informazioni THOMSON più vicino. Nel Vostro interesse,Vi consigliamo di leggere attentamente il
libretto istruzioni del Vostro prodotto THOMSON prima di contattare il rivenditore o il centro assi-
stenza tecnica.
In caso di domande a cui il Vostro rivenditore non è in grado di rispondere, contattate:

THOMSON multimedia Sales Italy

THOMSON multimedia (Svizzera) 

S.p.A. (I)


Via L. Da Vinci, 43

Seewenweg 5

20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI)

4153 Reinach

Tel. 8488 10 168


(tariffa chiamata urbana)

Tel. 0900 905 950*

Fax. 061 716 96 55
*(0,18 CHF/min.)

I televisori marcati Thomson e Saba sono prodotti da TTE Europe SAS

Guarantee A4P_2005_03  4/04/05  15:05  Page 1

Содержание 27LB125B5

Страница 1: ...Manuel d utilisation Bedienungsanleitung Manuale di utilizzazione User manual Manual de utilización Manual de utilização Gebruiksaanwijzing Bruksanvisning 27LB125B5 27LB125B5U 32LB125B5 32LB125B5U ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...7 Bright pixels 3Total dark and bright 8 These statements do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer under applicable national legisla tion in force nor your consumer s rights against the dealer from whom you bought the product If you need service whether or not under guarantee please approach the dealer who sold you the product In your own interest we advise you to read the instruction boo...

Страница 4: ...l Branch Avenida da Boavista 3521 2º Salas 205 206 4100 139 PORTO Tel 351 22 618 76 41 59 Fax 351 22 618 76 65 http www thomson europe com Os televisores da marca THOMSON ou SABA sao fabricados por TTE Europe SAS Nederland NL Geachte klant Onze dank voor de aanschaf van dit THOMSON product en het vertrouwen dat u in ons bedrijft heeft Dit product is vervaardigd conform de daarop van toepassing zij...

Страница 5: ...z F I E P GB IRL D CH A B L NL PL CZ H SK országokban vásárolt termékekre terjed ki 3 A jótállásból eredő fogyasztói jogok érvényesítésének módja A fogyasztó a garanciális igényeit a forgalmazónál ill a termékhez csatolt garanciajegyhez mellékelt hivata los THOMSON szervizek javítószolgálat valamelyikében érvényesítheti A fogyasztó a hiba felfedezése után a körülmények által lehetővé tett legrövid...

Страница 6: ...ov Televízory značky THOMSON a SABA sú vyrábané TTE Europe SAS Podpisom potvrdzujem že som bol a zoznámený á s obsluhou výrobku a záručnými podmienkami a súhlasím s nimi Podpis spotrebiteľa Česka republika CZ Vážený zákazníku Děkujeme za Váš zájem o výrobek firmy Thomson Naším přáním je Vaše maximální spokojenost Pokud se roz hodnete pro koupi některého výrobku z oblasti videorekordérů CD a DVD př...

Страница 7: ... du har köpt pro dukten Ta med denna garantisedel med modellbeteckning och serienummer tillsammans med original faktura eller kassakvitto där inköpsdatum framgår Om fakturan kassakvittot eller garantisedeln har ändrats på något sätt eller har gjorts oläslig efter inköpet kan garanti nekas Garantivillkor och garan titid för din produkt gäller enligt lagstadgade garantiregler i det land där inköpet ...

Страница 8: ...500 Piaseczno ul Gen L Okulickiego 7 9 Poland http www thomson europe com Thomsoni või SABA kaubamärki omavad televiisorid on TTE Europe SAS kompanii toode Lietuva LT Dékojame už THOMSON produkcijos pirkinį ir pasitikejimą mūsų kompanija Ši produkcija yra pagamin ta pagalTHOMSON specifikaciją ir atitinka galiojančioms saugumo normoms kruopšči ai patikrinta gamy bos proceso metu Jeigu Jūs pastebési...

Страница 9: ...hich may result in fire electric shock or other hazards Moisture in rooms where the set is installed should not exceed 85 humidity Leave the condensation to evaporate before turning the TV on again 6 Cleaning Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners Use a damp cloth for cleaning Clean the screen with a glass care cleaner and the rest o...

Страница 10: ...will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power line surges When the unit has to be used with another power supply voltage the power cable must be changed Consult your product dealer The socket outlet should be installed near the equipment and easily accessible The power cord attached conforms to the following power supply voltage Use only the power cord designated by our dealer to e...

Страница 11: ...tected by a glass shield Under certain conditions changes of temperature and humidity moisture may form between the glass and the screen If this relatively rare condition arises it is only necessary to switch on the LCD TV for around twenty minutes to make it disappear 23 Pixel defect The LCD panel is a very high technology product giving you finely detailed pictures Occasionally a few non active ...

Страница 12: ...o not place heavy objects on top of the TV l If the power cord is damaged or frayed in any way electrical shock and or fire may result l Please do not place objects on the power cord and keep the cord away from heat emitting devices Should the power cord become damaged in any way please contact your dealer for a replacement cord l Do not remove the cover of the TV for any reason If any problems ar...

Страница 13: ...rcuit may occur which could cause fire Contact an Authorized Service Center for any repairs that need to be made III CAUTION When using the LCD TV To turn off the main power be sure to remove the plug from power outlet The power outlet socket should be installed as near to the equipment as possible and should be easily accessible Be sure to disconnect all cables before moving the LCD TV l Moving t...

Страница 14: ... manual will explain how to use your LCD TV as well as its features benefits and other important information Please be sure to read this manual before installing or operating your LCD TV especially the safety precautions I SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Make sure the following accessories are provided with the product User Manual IB x1 Remote Control x1 Power Cord for European Type x1 Depending on model Pow...

Страница 15: ...own Place the batteries with their terminals corresponding to the and indications in the battery compartment Precaution on battery use Improper use of batteries can result in a leakage of chemicals and or explosion Be sure to follow the instructions below l Place batteries with their terminals corresponding to the and indications l Only use the battery types specified l Do not use rechargeable bat...

Страница 16: ...r BSI certified BS1362 5 amp fuse 3 Connect the outside aerial or cable network to the socket at the back of the TV set The aerial socket 75 Ohms VHF UHF cable can be used for connecting an external aerial or other equipment fitted with a modulator video recorder satellite receiver etc We recommend that you do not connect other equipment video recorder satellite receiver etc to your TV set to begi...

Страница 17: ...his function is also available in VCR and DVD modes To switch the sound off and back on again RETURN To return to the previous menu or the previous program PR PR To change channels EXIT To exit a menu MENU To access the OVERVIEW menu To select menu options To set functions change values enable and disable functions and to select the picture format In TV AV and PC mode OK To confirm a selection Col...

Страница 18: ...e after five seconds press the PLAY button again to continue the search for the next set of codes Repeat this operation until the appliance goes into standby mode There are 20 sets of codes 4 When the appliance goes into standby mode press the standby button on the right up side to switch it on again Then press the REV button to put it back in standby mode and if necessary keep pressing until the ...

Страница 19: ...with OK The AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION menu will display 5 The Standard option is selected Select a suitable standard using the ÿ buttons Note the following standards are available to choose from UK for the UK and Ireland FR for France and Luxembourg DK for Eastern Europe the Middle East and Asia EURO for Western Europe Australia and New Zealand 6 Then select the Start option by using the button and p...

Страница 20: ...ption and press the OK button to delete the channel Once this channel has been deleted the bottom help line will show The programme has been deleted message Note you can use AUTOMATIC UPDATE menu from Installation menu to restore the deleted programme Naming or renaming channels The Select programme line is selected Display the number of the channel whose name you want to change using the PR PR bu...

Страница 21: ...d choose the character set that will be used for Teletext on this channel using the ÿ buttons The following character sets are available 1 Western Europe 2 Eastern Europe 3 Turkish and Greek 4 Russian and Bulgarian 5 Arabic 6 Farsi The character set selected determines how characters are displayed on Teletext screens 6 Select the Store on programme option to assign a number to the channel Enter th...

Страница 22: ...he remote control to display the number and name of the channel you are watching the type of sound the zoom or format type sound mute status and the sleep timer status if active TV lock message is displayed if the function is activated under the PREFERENCES menu When you switch on the television or change channels the number and name of the channel are displayed if you entered its name under the O...

Страница 23: ...ars on the screen In Teletext mode the screen alway 4 3 format but if exiting the Teletext mode the screen will return the former Zoom level When user changes the zoom format the zoom status will appear temporarily at the bottom of the screen Panning function for Zoom In 14 9 Zoom 16 9 Zoom or 16 9 Zoom up user can shift the picture up and down temporarily by using button and the panning icon will...

Страница 24: ...ternal Speakers the TV set s speakers are enabled by default the box is checked You can connect amplified speakers or an amplifier to the TV LCD see the Other information chapter You can then get the most out of the sound using all the speakers or you can disable the internal speakers Uncheck the box to do this by pressing OK to confirm Advanced Settings Press OK to access following options Treble...

Страница 25: ...ect between Cold Neutral and Warm Other settings This option is not displayed in PC mode Press OK to access following options Return use the buttons to go back to the PICTURE menu Noise Reduction adjust the noise reduction strength by using the ÿ buttons You can choose between Off Low Medium and High Black Expand adjust these settings as required using the ÿ buttons You can choose between Off Low ...

Страница 26: ...ight this option allows to adjust the backlight of your LCD TV Using the ÿ buttons you can choose between Soft Normal and Bright Sleep timer 1 Select the Sleep timer option 2 Set an automatic shut off time from 0 to 4 hours in 15 minute intervals by using the ÿ buttons Set the time to 00 00 to disable this function TV Lock This function allows the parents Either to lock the LCD TV set by putting i...

Страница 27: ...p pages from following on in succession Press the red button to select this function The word STOP or an icon appears in place of the page number Press the red button again to allow the pages to follow on again hidden answers press the green button to reveal a hidden answer for example in games Press the green button again to hide the answer ZOOM press the yellow button 1st key press page is zoome...

Страница 28: is found the subtitles appear in the TV picture The navigation bar disappears after a couple of seconds To display the top bar press the purple TEXT button Press the EXIT button to quit the Teletext function Direct access to subpages Some information is spread across more than one page displayed next to the page number To access subpages press the or ÿ button Enter the subpage number 4 digits...

Страница 29: camcorders VHS or 8 mm decoders satellite receivers DVD players games consoles or appliances producing an RGB signal To display images from the connected appliance select AV1 using AV button on the remote control For some appliances connected to the SCART socket this selection is made automatically For appliances producing an RGB signal select AV1 RGB RF signal Input for the TV antenna or cable...

Страница 30: ... to connect to an appliance fitted with a DVI socket using a HDMI DVI cable For audio transmissions it will be necessary to connect the DVI Audio In sockets to the Audio Out sockets of the appliance connected To display images from the connected appliance select HDMI DVI using AV button on the remote control According to the connected device select Video or PC at the DVI input line of Préférences ...

Страница 31: ...from the connected computer select VGA using AV button on the remote control Method B Depending on model Requires the use of a HDMI DVI cable Connect one end of the cable to the HDMI connector at the back of the LCD TV and the other end to the DVI Out of the PC Connect the sockets DVI Audio In situated near the socket HDMI to the Audio Out sockets of the PC To display images from the connected com...

Страница 32: ...eivers DVD players games consoles To display images from the connected appliance select AV2 using AV button on the remote control For some appliances connected to the SCART socket this selection is made automatically For appliances producing S Video signal select AV2 S SCART 1 AV1 AV1 RGB input output This socket can be used to connect a range of equipment including video recorders camcorders VHS ...

Страница 33: ...deo and audio data using only one connector It gives you the possibility to obtain very high quality images In this case it is necessary to use a HDMI connecting cable It is also possible to connect to an appliance fitted with a DVI socket using a HDMI DVI cable For audio transmissions it will be necessary to connect the DVI Audio In sockets to the Audio Out sockets of the appliance connected To d...

Страница 34: ...from the connected computer select VGA using AV button on the remote control Method B Depending on model Requires the use of a HDMI DVI cable Connect one end of the cable to the HDMI connector at the back of the LCD TV and the other end to the DVI Out of the PC Connect the sockets DVI Audio In situated near the socket HDMI to the Audio Out sockets of the PC To display images from the connected com...

Страница 35: ...yer is set for a high level output l The video signal has not been terminated properly somewhere in the system The image appears too washed out or the darkest areas of the image appear too bright l Check whether Brightness is set too high l The DVD player may be set at too high a brightness level If xxx searching appears the image or signal cannot be produced by display l Check the cable for disco...

Страница 36: ...e are stripes on the screen or colors fade l Is the unit receiving interference from other devices Transmission antennas of radio broadcasting stations and transmission antennas of amateur radios and cellular phones may also cause interference l Use the unit as far apart as possible from devices that may cause possible interference This product is designed and manufactured with high quality materi...

Страница 37: ...67 GOODMANS 2009 2012 2024 2026 2048 2065 2068 2072 2081 2086 2087 2088 2094 2173 GRAETZ 2031 2047 2074 2082 2086 2169 2172 GRANADA 2018 2028 2031 2065 2067 2072 2075 2079 2082 2086 2171 GRANDIN 2012 2026 2065 2068 2072 2081 2087 2151 GRUNDIG 2002 2004 2005 2008 2026 2028 2039 2041 2044 2051 2067 2085 2091 2106 2107 2110 2130 2136 2138 2139 2144 2173 HANSEATIC 2012 2072 2087 HARWOOD 2081 HCM 2026 ...

Страница 38: ...026 2028 2065 2072 2081 2086 2087 2106 2107 2110 SCOTT 2112 SEARS 2103 2112 SEG 2047 2056 2081 2086 2087 SEI 2003 2028 SEI SINUDYNE 2066 2145 SELECO 2068 2072 2074 2111 2118 SENTRA 2009 2068 2081 2088 SHARP 2020 2024 2079 2106 2107 2108 2110 2122 SHINTOM 2026 2031 2081 2082 SHIVAKI 2072 SHORAI 2003 2066 SIEMENS 2002 2004 2008 2012 2023 2028 2031 2039 2067 2072 2082 2085 2136 2138 2144 2170 SINGER ...

Страница 39: ...LARACION DE CONFORMIDAD CON NORMAS El que suscribe en nombre y representación de THOMSON declara bajo su propia responsabilidad que el Equipo RECEPTOR TV Fabricado por TTE Polska Sp z o o En POLONIA Marca Ver portada Modelo Ver portada objeto de esta declaración cumple con la normativa siguiente Artículo 9 2 del Reglamento Técnico del Servicio de Difusión de Televisión aprobado en el Real Decreto ...

Страница 40: ...jarens adress Modèle Modell Modello Model Modelo Modelo Model Modell 35947240 Copyright THOMSON 2005 27LB125B5 27LB125B5U 32LB125B5 32LB125B5U THOMSON Multimedia Sales Europe 46 quai A Le Gallo 92648 Boulogne Cedex FRANCE 322 019 464 RCS NANTERRE http www thomson europe com Thomson and associated marks are trademarks of THOMSON S A used under license to TTE CORPORATION ...
