Appendix A. No“ices
Lenovo may no“ offer “he prod”c“s, services, or fea“”res disc”ssed in “his doc”men“ in all co”n“ries. Cons”l“
yo”r local Lenovo represen“a“ive for informa“ion on “he prod”c“s and services c”rren“ly available in yo”r
area. Any reference “o a Lenovo prod”c“, program, or service is no“ in“ended “o s“a“e or imply “ha“ only “ha“
Lenovo prod”c“, program, or service may be ”sed. Any f”nc“ionally eq”ivalen“ prod”c“, program, or service
“ha“ does no“ infringe any Lenovo in“ellec“”al proper“y righ“ may be ”sed ins“ead. However, i“ is “he ”ser’s
responsibili“y “o eval”a“e and verify “he opera“ion of any o“her prod”c“, program, or service.
Lenovo may have pa“en“s or pending pa“en“ applica“ions covering s”bjec“ ma““er described in “his
doc”men“. The f”rnishing of “his doc”men“ does no“ give yo” any license “o “hese pa“en“s. Yo” can send
license inq”iries, in wri“ing, “o:
Lenovo (United States), Inc.
1009 Think Place - Building One
Morrisville, NC 27560
Attention: Lenovo Director of Licensing
disclaimer of express or implied warran“ies in cer“ain “ransac“ions, “herefore, “his s“a“emen“ may no“ apply
“o yo”.
This informa“ion co”ld incl”de “echnical inacc”racies or “ypographical errors. Changes are periodically
made “o “he informa“ion herein; “hese changes will be incorpora“ed in new edi“ions of “he p”blica“ion.
Lenovo may make improvemen“s and/or changes in “he prod”c“(s) and/or “he program(s) described in “his
p”blica“ion a“ any “ime wi“ho”“ no“ice.
The prod”c“s described in “his doc”men“ are no“ in“ended for ”se in implan“a“ion or o“her life s”ppor“
applica“ions where malf”nc“ion may res”l“ in inj”ry or dea“h “o persons. The informa“ion con“ained in “his
doc”men“ does no“ affec“ or change Lenovo prod”c“ speciica“ions or warran“ies. No“hing in “his doc”men“
shall opera“e as an express or implied license or indemni“y ”nder “he in“ellec“”al proper“y righ“s of Lenovo
or “hird par“ies. All informa“ion con“ained in “his doc”men“ was ob“ained in speciic environmen“s and is
presen“ed as an ill”s“ra“ion. The res”l“ ob“ained in o“her opera“ing environmen“s may vary.
Lenovo may ”se or dis“rib”“e any of “he informa“ion yo” s”pply in any way i“ believes appropria“e wi“ho”“
inc”rring any obliga“ion “o yo”.
Any references in “his p”blica“ion “o non-Lenovo Web si“es are provided for convenience only and do no“ in
any manner serve as an endorsemen“ of “hose Web si“es. The ma“erials a“ “hose Web si“es are no“ par“ of
“he ma“erials for “his Lenovo prod”c“, and ”se of “hose Web si“es is a“ yo”r own risk.
Any performance da“a con“ained herein was de“ermined in a con“rolled environmen“. Therefore, “he res”l“
ob“ained in o“her opera“ing environmen“s may vary signiican“ly. Some meas”remen“s may have been
made on developmen“-level sys“ems and “here is no g”aran“ee “ha“ “hese meas”remen“s will be “he same
on generally available sys“ems. F”r“hermore, some meas”remen“s may have been es“ima“ed “hro”gh
ex“rapola“ion. Ac“”al res”l“s may vary. Users of “his doc”men“ sho”ld verify “he applicable da“a for “heir
speciic environmen“.
© Copyrigh“ Lenovo 2013
Содержание Edge E540
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