4.4 Acquisition of measured values
The acquisition of measured values is carried out via the serial interface (RS422) or optionally the
analog inputs.
The parameters required are filtered out of the data protocol received or the analog values and
assigned to the relevant LED displays.
Configuration of the Weather Display LED is carried out at the factory. Any ASCII data protocols
can be interpreted.
Example: Input telegram with filtering and display
Temperature 2m
Temperature 5
Rel. humidity
Range of vision
8 . 4
1 4 . 7
6 1 . 9
- - - - -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
07.2713 90 4.2 8.4 61.9 1.5 14.7 986.8 0.0 0 491 1 69.3 ---.- ----- ---- 20.04.05 7:16:17
1 7
1 6
0 7
T I n E
Clock time
After the Weather Display has started up, the internal real-time clock is synchronised with the first
clock time received.
Erroneous parameters are indicated by an error message in the level.
Erroneous parameters are replaced by minus signs "-----".
- - - - -
- - - - -
E r r o r
8 . 4
7 - 30