Off/On (Rocker top/bottom)
Brief or extended pressure on the top key causes an OFF
telegram to be sent. Pressure on the bottom key causes
an ON telegram to be sent.
On/Off (Rocker top/bottom)
Same as above, but the functions of the top and bottom
keys are reversed.
Communications objects except for “Value (key)”
Comm. object
KNX (EIB) type
Channel … : Switch
1.001 (EIS 1)
1 bit
Communications objects for “Value (key)”
Comm. object
KNX (EIB) type
Channel … : Value
5.001 (EIS 6)
1 byte
Dimming with stop telegram
The following functions can be selected to control a dim-
ming actuator:
On/Off – Brighter/darker (One-key control)
Brief pressure on the key switches the dimmer on or off.
Extended pressure on the key changes dimming to a
brighter or darker setting. The sent telegram depends on
the latest telegram sent by the gateway:
If the last command was “brighter“ or “switch dimming on”,
dimming is switched off or darkened.
If the last command was “darker" or “switch dimming off”,
dimming is switched on or brightened.
Dimming stops changing when the key is released.
On/Off– Brighter/darker
(Rocker top/bottom)
Brief pressure on the top key switches the dimmer on.
Brief pressure on the bottom key switches the dimmer off.
Extended pressure on the top key causes dimming to
brighten. Extended pressure on the bottom key causes
dimming to darken.
Dimming stops changing when the key is released.
Off/On – Darker/brighter
(Rocker top/bottom)
Same as above, but the functions of the top and bottom
keys are reversed.
Comm. object
KNX (EIB) type
Channel … : Switching
1.001 (EIS 1)
1 bit
Channel … : Dimming
3.007 (EIS 2)
4 bits
Moving blind/slats
The following functions are available for controlling a blind
Slats – Blind up/down
(One-key control)
Extended pressure on the key causes the move command
for the blind to be sent. The direction of the move com-
mand changes every time the key is pressed.
Brief pressure on the key stops the blind. If the blind is al-
ready at a standstill, brief pressure rotates the slats. The
direction of rotation sent by the command is opposite to
the direction of the last move command sent by the gate-
Slats – Blind up/down
(Rocker top/bottom)
Extended pressure on the key causes the move command
for the blind to be sent. Brief pressure on the key stops the
blind, or rotates the slats if the blind is already at a stand-
The command direction is up for the top key and down for
the bottom key.
Slats – Blind down/up
(Rocker top/bottom)
Same as above, but the functions for the top and bottom
keys are reversed.
Comm. object
KNX (EIB) type
Channel … : Slats
1.009 (EIS 1)
1 bit
Channel … : Blind
1.008 (EIS 1)
1 bit
Temperature sensor
The following temperature sensors can be learned:
Thermokon series SR04/SR07
Thermokon series SR04 rH
(with rel. humidity)
Thermokon SR65VFG/SR65AKF
Thermokon SR65/SR65TF
Comm. object
KNX (EIB) type
Channel … : Temperature
9.001 (EIS 5)
2 bytes
The following sensors are supported in addition to the
temperature sensor:
Slide switch / Presence key
Some Thermokon devices have either a presence key or a
slide switch.
If the “Presence key” function is selected on the ETS,
pressing the key causes the gateway to send an ON tele-
gram. An OFF telegram is not sent in this case.