Sample Positioner Setting
Manual 6
Orion AquaMate 7000 Vis and Orion AquaMate 8000 UV-Vis
Thermo Scientific
Manual 6
Measure a blank and up to five samples without changing cuvettes in the cell changer, using
the cell position buttons to advance the cell changer to the appropriate position for the next
measurement. Place the blank in the blank position and your samples in the other cell
positions. Regardless of where the cell holder is positioned, when you press
Measure Blank
the cell holder automatically goes to the blank position and measures the blank. However, you
can use the cell position buttons to select a different position for the measurement.
When you have the Cell Changer installed, the instrument always considers the
material in the B position as a blank. This means that even after measuring your blank the
first time, you can place samples only in positions 1 through 5.