Disposal of materials
Thermo Scientific μDrop and μDrop Duo Plates User Manual
Thermo Scientific
Bubbles or dirt on the sample may affect the measurements. In case of suspicious results:
1. Check that there are no air bubbles in the sample.
2. Check that all the quartz surfaces are clean. Clean the μDrop or μDrop Duo Plate, if necessary.
Disposal of materials
Follow laboratory and country-specific procedures for the disposal of biohazardous or radioactive
waste. Refer to local regulations for the disposal of infectious material.
Decontamination procedure
If you have spilled infectious agents, follow decontamination procedures.
If you have spilled infectious agents on the μDrop or μDrop Duo Plate,
decontaminate the μDrop or μDrop Duo Plate. Refer to
Do not use any solutions containing high concentrations of oxidative chemicals, such as
hypochlorites and peroxides or strong bases, on any of the anodized aluminum surfaces as this may
cause permanent damage to the finish.
Ensure that the bottom of the μDrop or μDrop Duo Plate is dry. Fluid on the bottom
of a μDrop or μDrop Duo Plate may present a contamination hazard. Use good laboratory practices
(GLP) when handling any hazardous materials.
Samples may be infectious. Dispose of all used disposable cuvettes, disposable tips,
and disposable gloves and so on as biohazardous waste. Exercise caution and always use disposable
Decontamination procedures should be performed by authorized trained personnel
wearing disposable gloves, protective glasses and clothing in a well-ventilated room.