Thermo Scientific
ALPS30 | 11
Unit Description
The Thermo Scientific™ ALPS30 Manual Heat Sealer is a hand-operated micro-
plate heat sealer that provides a safe and controlled method for sealing plastic
sample plates to protect the samples from evaporation and contamination during
Intended Use
The ALPS30 Manual Heat Sealer is intended to apply a consistent, secure, tight
seal around individual wells, eliminating sample loss through evaporation and
cross contamination between wells. The Heat Sealer is designed to provide sealing
consistency in low throughput labs. Heat sealing offers superior sample protection
of storage and reaction plates in applications including compound storage, sample
archiving, and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
The ALPS30 Heat Sealer is compatible with virtually any height microplate or
block, including PCR plates, by using the three ADAPTER BLOCKS included with
the unit (see
Table 3: Plate and Adapter Block Types
). Choose from a wide range
of heat seals — including pierceable, optically clear, and permanent — for any
application (see
Table 4: Recommended Film and Foil Types