Thermionic Culture Ltd, April 2006
4 Controls
4.1 Mid Lift
The amount of mid lift is continuously variable between 0
and 21 dB. The actual amount of gain is dependant on the
Q setting, so at a narrow Q, 21dB can be added at the
centre frequency but at a wide Q, this will drop to around
f (kHz)
This control will select the centre frequency of the mid
boost circuit.
This control sets the width of the frequency band being
boosted. ‘H’i is a very narrow band of frequencies either
side of the centre frequency, ‘Lo’ is a wide band of
4.2 Mid Cut)
The amount of mid cut is continuously variable between 0
and -17 dB.
This control will select the centre frequency of the mid cut
4.3 High Top (kHz)
This control allows the high frequency content of the signal
to be boosted or cut with a shelving filter.
‘Cut’ brings a lo pass filter in which reaches -6 dB at either
15, 11 or 6 kHz.
‘Lift’ brings a shelving Eq in, which reaches its peak of 6 dB
at either 15,12 or 10 kHz.