protein, fatty acids attach to the air bubbles and form dirty foam that rises up and is pushed
into the foam cup. In this way the load of the biofilter is reduced and the build-up of nitrate
and phosphate minimized.
The E-Cone is placed in the filter sump. The water level should not fall below 15 cm. The
pump of the E-Cone will take in water and air simultaneously and mix both. The purified
water is directed from the bottom through the outlet pipe back into the filter sump. A flow
regulator is placed at the top of the outlet pipe. It can be used to adjust the water level in
the reaction pipe and so the skimming capacity. The air rises in the reaction pipe and is
collected as foam and pushed into the foam cup.
Construction of the E-Cone:
Conical shaped reaction pipe
Foam Cup with Lid
Water outlet
Water inlet, venturi pump and nozzle
Air tube
Silencer/air intake, regulation valve (red)
5. Starting
After placing the skimmer into the filter sump, it can be
started. After switching on the pump, it will start
automatically to blow air and pump water into the
skimmer. The air hose is mounted to the silencer to
minimize the noise. The air is cut into finest bubbles by
the rotation of the brush wheel. The construction of the
brush avoids bussing noise. After the first start it will take
a few hours before the first foam is produced. This is
caused by the reaction of the aquarium water with the
acrylic pipe. Latest the next day foam should be pushed
into the cup. The amount of foam produced depends on
the organic load of the aquarium water.