This operation needs to be done whilst carefully turning the cylinder blade.
Always wear gloves when adjusting or using the lawnmower.
The fixed bottom blade must be set correctly in order for the lawnmower to work efficiently.
With a spanner, slacken off the two top nuts on each side of the side casing. Carefully tighten the
two adjusting knobs on top of the cylinder, by turning them slowly in a clockwise direction.
When the cylinder blade just makes contact with the bottom blade, turn the knobs slightly in an anti-
clockwise direction until the cylinder blade turns without touching the bottom blade. Tighten up the
nuts on the side casing.
To check the machine is cutting correctly, place a piece of good quality paper, along the whole
length of the fixed bottom blade (from underneath the lawnmower), with each of the five cutting
blades. This should provide evidence of a good even cut.
Adjust the height of cut by loosening the two knobs on the side of the cutting height roller and
moving the roller up and down to the required height.
Remember to adjust both sides of the roller equally, the lawnmower will not provide an even finish,
if adjusted incorrectly.