All rights reserved. Design rights claimed. Moral rights asserted. Revised March 2010
Page 6
Effects Loops
At the heart of TheGigRig Pro-8’s unique audio switching capabilities are the six
effects loops located on the back of box.
Each of these effects loops has a send (snd) and a return (rtn) except for loop 6
which has 2 returns for stereo effects. The effects loops are numbered 1~6 from
right to left so as to illustrate the direction your guitar signal travels.
E.g. your guitar signal travels from the input on the right hand side of TheGigRig Pro-
8 to the first effects loop i.e.: effect loop number 1, then 2 and so on, until it reaches
number 6.
From there, your signal travels to the outputs.
Your effects are plugged into these effects loops. The send (snd) from TheGigRig Pro-
8 is connected into the input of your effect and the output of the effect back to the
return (rtn).
The order in which you place your effects does make a difference to your sound.
Check out the F.A.Q’s section for more details on effects order; however, back to
those effects loops and why they are the key to retaining your tone!
Normally when effects pedals are plugged into each other in series you get what is
known as tone sucking or volume loss.
Most pedals act as a filter, even when the pedals aren’t on; the more pedals you
have in your chain the more filtering you get, so less of your higher frequencies get
this means less tone
TheGigRig Pro-8 completely solves this problem as your guitar signal only travels
through the effects loops that are selected for each of the particular sound you use.
The unused pedals are disconnected and soft muted.
You can now connect in all your other less frequently used pedals, they will no longer
causes problems to your much-loved tone,
if they are not selected, it’s as if they
don’t exist.