Gateway to the Microcosm
“Fishing in the dark”
with your biological
collecting station
› 4 slides, cover slips
2 corks (from wine bottles), pocket knife, string,
1 plastic bag filled with rocks or sand, 1 piece
of polystyrene foam, 1 permanent marker for
marking your slides
1. Have an adult help you
bore a hole
the length of each cork and thread the string
through the holes. Secure the string with a
knot at the top and a knot below.
2. In the top cork, make
two horizontal slits
the slides and make
two vertical slits
in the
bottom cork, and clamp the slides in the
3. Tie a piece of
polystyrene foam
to the top end
of the string to serve as a float, and tie the
sand-filled bag
to the bottom end to serve as
an anchor or sinker.
Mark the slides
with a symbol or H1/H2
(horizontal) and V1/V2 (vertical), and take
the collecting station to a pond.
5. After about
a week or two,
bring your pond
specimen collection station home in a bucket
of pond water. Before you look at your “prey”
under the microscope, wipe one side of each
slide clean with a cloth.
6. The other side of the slide should not be
soaking wet when you view it under the
Let it dry a little
before viewing.
Put one or more
cover slips
on the slide,
position it on the microscope stage, and begin
your observations.
Note: When constructing the
collecting station, particularly when
boring the holes for the string and
making the slits for the slides, it is
absolutely essential to have an adult
help you.