About the Appliance
Administration Guide
The maintenance and administrative tasks in this document are primarily for the SafeNet Luna Network HSM
appliance, outside of the HSM. HSM administrative tasks are described in the
SafeNet Luna HSM
Administration Guide
.Some activities might encompass both portions of the SafeNet Luna HSM server.
As an HSM Server, SafeNet Luna Network HSM provides increased operational flexibility over traditional
HSMs. The SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance includes an integrated FIPS 140-2 level 3 HSM, the SafeNet
K6 Cryptographic Engine, which offers the same high level of security as traditional HSMs.
The HSM appliance that you have purchased has been factory configured to authenticate as either:
Password Authentication version (equivalent to FIPS 140-2 level 2, using passwords, only, for
authentication and access control.
PED (Trusted Path) Authentication version that requires the PED and PED Keys for authentication and
access control.
The HSM appliance adds a secure service layer ( NTLS and STC) that allows the SafeNet Cryptographic
Engine (the HSM inside the appliance) to be shared as a service to network applications. Like traditional
servers that provide e-mail, web pages, and file download (FTP) services to authenticated clients, the HSM
appliance offers HSM services to clients on the network.
As an Ethernet-attached device, the HSM appliance can be shared among many applications on a network.
Rather than requiring many HSMs to fulfill the security demands of many applications, one HSM appliance can
be shared among many applications simultaneously.
This document contains the following chapters:
"Appliance Hardware Functions" on page 10
"Client Connections" on page 33
"Timestamping – NTP and Clock Drift" on page 41
"Backing Up the Appliance Configuration" on page 54
This preface also includes the following information about this document:
"Customer Release Notes" on the next page
"Document Conventions" on the next page
For information regarding the document status and revision history, see
"Document Information" on page 2
SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7.3 Appliance Administration Guide
007-013576-005 Rev. A 13 December 2019 Copyright 2001-2019 Thales