Secure Locking Bezel
For maximum physical security, this faceplate bezel can restrict access to the KeySecure k570 Appliance
front-facing inputs. Includes set of three (3) keys for each lock (locks are keyed differently).
Some security standards require the use of this bezel. Leaving the appliance uncovered for ease of access
might compromise physical security.
PED related order items
If you ordered a PED-authenticated KeySecure k570 Appliance, you should have received some combination
of the following items in addition to the basic order items (above).
PED device
Your order should include at least one PED device.
If you intend to back up your KeySecure k570 Appliance Appliance to a SafeNet Luna Backup HSM, then you
require a Luna PED to connect to that Backup HSM.
If you intend to combine remote operation and backup, you might prefer to have a second PED. It is possible to
use a single Luna PED for both connections, and to simply change between local and remote mode as needed.
KeySecure k570 Appliance : Installation Guide
16 June 2020, Copyright © 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.