The Information Board Icon is located at the upper left hand corner of the Main Menu. Once the icon
has been highlighted (see the above image) press the [ENTER] button to confirm your selection.
The first screen is for general weather information. There are five different sections to the Infor-
mation Board main screen; Weather Report, Temperature & Humidity, Pressure, Moon Phase and
Sun/Moon Rise/Set times. Use the 4 direction buttons to navigate through the screen. For more
details on any of the 5 sections of the Info Board, select a section and press [ENTER]. When you
are finished with an icon press the [ESC] button to exit that screen and return to the Information
Board main screen.
3.1 Weather Report
The Weather Report section gives a current forecast by a symbol, using the barometric pressure
changes over the past 24 hours.
The Weather Report section is the top left section of the Information board. See the below image
with this section selected.
Once this area is highlighted press the [ENTER] button to confirm the selection.
You are then taken to a screen similar to the below image.