SLUUCB3 – June 2020
Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Using the UCC27288EVM
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The UCC27288EVM is designed to primarily evaluate the UCC27288 performance. This driver is a 100-V
boot voltage, high-side, low-side driver with 2.5-A peak source and 3.5-A sink current for driving two N-
channel MOSFETs. The same board can be used to evaluate other pin-to-pin compatible parts in the
supported package. The UCC27288 has low propagation delay and low propagation delay matching
between the high- and low-side rising and falling edges of the driver outputs for reliable timing of the gate-
drive signals. The UCC27288 inputs can tolerate signals as high as 16 V regardless of the V
which enhances device robustness.
The UCC27288 driver includes an enable function which enables the driver outputs when pulled high, and
disables the driver into a very low standby current mode when low. The UCC27288 also includes an
interlock feature which sets both LO and HO driver outputs low when both LI and HI inputs are high at the
same time. This prevents turning on the high-side and low-side MOSFETs at the same time enhancing
robustness of the power train design.
The EVM is developed in such a way that the UCC27288 driver performance can be evaluated and
compared to data sheet parameters, or externally connected to power devices with provisions for source
and sink gate-resistance flexibility. The UCC27288EVM evaluation board uses surface-mount test points
allowing connection to LI, HI, VDD, and HB inputs. A variety of other test points are available for probing
the UCC27288. The input bias is configured such that the VHB-VHS high-side bias can be sourced from
VCC, or an external additional bias can be added to provide VHB-VHS directly. The high- and low-side
driver output returns are separated on HS and GND respectively to allow evaluation of the UCC27288 HS
negative voltage capabilities. For detailed device information, see the
UCC27288 120-V Half-Bridge Driver
without Bootstrap Diode Data Sheet
The EVM supports the following features:
EVM for the low-voltage features of the UCC27288 gate driver
6-V to 16-V VCC power supply range
TTL-compatible inputs
PCB layout optimized for bias supply bypassing cap, gate-drive resistance selection
Capacitive load, external gate drive resistor and diode for gate drive network evaluation
Allows quick verification of most of the data sheet parameters
Test points allow probing all the key pins of the UCC27288