TPS65313 GUI
SLDU028A – January 2018 – Revised March 2020
Copyright © 2018–2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TPS65313-EVM User’s Guide
Device Controls Page
This section describes the different options on the Device Controls page.
Figure 4. TPS65313 GUI Device Controls Page
Re-Initialize USB2ANY Button
After connecting the USB cable to the EVM and launching the GUI, click the
Re-Initialize USB2ANY
to sync the GUI with the EVM. If the GUI is successfully synchronized with the EVM, the GUI connection
status field on the bottom right of the GUI turns green and
is displayed (see
). The GUI is now connected to the EVM. If the GUI is not synchronized correctly,
is displayed with a grey background.
WAKE Button
If the J20 jumper is set between pins 2 and 3, clicking the
button turns on the high-side transistor
on the VBAT input supply line and this supply voltage is applied on the WAKE pin which starts device
start-up. When the device is successfully powered on, disabling the
button has no impact and the
device continues to operate normally. If the
button is still enabled and the device enters the OFF
state because of some errors, the device automatically starts to wake up again. If the
button is
disabled and the device enters the OFF state because of some errors, the device stays in the OFF state,
and the WAKE button must be clicked again to start the new power-up cycle.
Power Off Button
Power off
button makes the WAKE signal low and clears the wake latch using a SPI register write
(CLR_WAKE_LATCH bit) to put the device in the OFF state. The WAKE signal must be applied again to
start the new power-up cycle.
Device Status Update
When the
Auto-update Status
button is enabled, the current state of the device (SAFE, DIAGNOSTIC, or
ACTIVE) is updated automatically. The
WD Fail Count
field shows the current value of the device
watchdog (WD) fail counter.