EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines
SLVUB94 – October 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 Evaluation Module
Layout Guidelines
Use the following layout guidelines:
TPS254900A-Q1 placement:
Place the TPS254900A-Q1 near the USB output connector and OUT pin
filter capacitors. Connect the exposed pad to the GND pin and the system ground plane using an array
of vias.
IN pin bypass capacitance: Place the 0.1-
F bypass capacitor near the IN pin and make the
connection using a low inductance trace.
DP-OUT, DM-OUT and DP-IN, DM-IN traces:
Route these traces as controlled impedance differential
pairs per the USB-2.0 specification. Minimize the use of vias in the high-speed data lines.
provides a good signal routing example for the high-speed data traces. In this example, the data pairs
are routed as edge-coupled microstrips with nominal differential impedance of 90
. The reference
plane is tied to GND and is shown in
. Ensure that the reference plane is void of cuts or splits
above the differential pairs to prevent impedance discontinuities.
ILIM_LO and ILIM_HI pin connections:
Current-limit, set-point accuracy can be compromised by
stray current leakage from a higher voltage source to the ILIM_LO or ILIM_HI pins. Ensure that there is
adequate spacing between IN pin copper/trace and ILIM_LO pin trace to prevent contaminant buildup
during the PCB assembly process.
The capacitor on BIAS helps improve IEC ESD performance, a 2.2-µF capacitor should be placed
close to BIAS and the whole “current” path from BIAS to GND across this capacitor should be as short
as possible. Do not use a via along the connection traces.
A 10-µF output capacitor should be placed close to the OUT pin and TVS.
EMI Containment
EMI containment methods are shown in the following list:
Use compact loops for dv/dt and di/dt circuit paths (power loops and gate drives)
Use minimal, yet thermally adequate, copper areas for heat sinking of components tied to switching
nodes (minimize exposed radiating surface).
Use copper ground planes (possible stitching) and top-layer copper floods (surround circuitry with
ground floods)
Use a 4-layer PCB, if economically feasible (for better grounding)
Minimize the amount of copper area associated with input traces (to minimize radiated pickup)
Maintain physical separation between input-related circuitry and power circuitry (use ferrite beads as
boundary line)
Possible use of common-mode inductors