Basic Operation
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Multi-Buffered Serial Peripheral Interface Module (MibSPI) with Parallel Pin
Option (MibSPIP) MibSPI Mode Configuration
The following list details the configuration steps that software should perform prior to the transmission or
reception of data in MIBSPI mode. As long as the SPIEN bit in the Global Control Register 1 (SPIGCR1)
is cleared to 0 the entire time that the SPI is being configured, the order in which the registers are
programmed is not important.
Enable SPI by setting RESET bit.
Set MSPIENA bit to 1 to get access to multi-buffer mode registers.
Configure the SIMO, SOMI, CLK, and optional SPICS and SPIENA pins for SPI functionality by setting
the corresponding bit in SPIPC0 register.
Configure the module to function as Master or Slave using CLKMOD and MASTER bits.
Configure the required SPI data format using SPIFMTx register.
If the module is selected to function as Master, the delay parameters can be configured using
SPIDELAY register.
Check for BUFINITACTIVE bit to be active before configuring MIBSPI RAM. (From Device Power On it
take Number of Buffers × Peripheral clock period to initialize complete RAM.)
Enable the Transfer Group interrupts using TGITENST register if required.
Enable error interrupts using SPIINT0 register if required.
Set SPIEN bit to 1 after the SPI is configured.
The Trigger Source, Trigger Event, Transfer Group start address for the corresponding Transfer
groups can be configured using the corresponding TGxCTRL register.
Configure LPEND to specify the end address of the last TG.
Similar to SPIDAT1 register, the 16 bit control fields in every TXRAM buffer in the TG have to be
Configure one of the eight BUFMODE available for each buffer.
Fill the data to be transmitted in TXDATA field in TXRAM buffers.
Configure TGENA bit to enable the required Transfer groups. (In case of Trigger event always setting
TGENA will trigger the transfer group).
At the occurrence of the correct trigger event, the Transfer group will be triggered and data gets
transmitted and received one after the other with out any CPU intervention.
You can poll Transfer group interrupt flag or wait for a transfer-completed interrupt to read and write
new data to the buffers.