DAC/Line Outputs Tab
Kit Operation
To enable the 3D effect, check the 3D Effect On box. The Depth knob controls the value of the 3D
Attenuation Coefficient.
The DAC/Line Outputs tab controls the DAC power and volume, as well as routing of digital data to the
DACs and the analog output from the DACs. (See
Figure 19
Figure 19. DAC/Line Outputs Tab
DAC Controls
On the left side of this tab are controls for the left and right DACs.
In a similar fashion as the ADC, the DAC controls are set up to allow powering of each DAC individually,
and setting the output level. Each channel level can be set independently using the corresponding
Volume knob. Alternately, by checking the Slave to Right box, the left channel Volume can be made to
track the right channel Volume knob setting; checking the Slave to Left box causes the right channel
Volume knob to track the left Volume knob setting.
Data going to the DACs is selected using the drop-down boxes under the Left and Right Datapath. Each
DAC channel can be selected to be off, use left channel data, use right channel data, or use a mono mix
of the left and right data.
TLV320AIC32EVM and TLV320AIC32EVM-PDK User's Guide
SBAU113 – November 2005